Dependencias inversas para pry-git La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren pry-git
jazz_hands 0.5.2
Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...
175.603 Descargas
jazz_hands2 1.0.2
Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...
66.781 Descargas
pry-suite 1.2.0
pry-suite is designed to set up a nice Pry ecosystem out of the box. You are given Pry ...
58.270 Descargas
pry-full 2.1.0
pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-debugger + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist + ...
49.972 Descargas
jazzhands 0.0.4
Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...
16.575 Descargas
pry-uber 0.0.5
Good pry stuff.
13.052 Descargas
pry-full18 0.4
Pry plugins approved for 1.8: pry-remote + pry-rescue + pry-nav + pry-awesome_print + p...
12.660 Descargas
new_jazz_hands 0.6.1
Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...
5.532 Descargas
crowbar 1.0.0
Pry-based enhancements for both Rails 3 & 4 debugging. A compilation of opinionated...
3.767 Descargas