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fluent-plugin-flowcounter-simple 0.1.0

Simple Fluentd Plugin to count number of messages and outputs to log

176,244 下載

fume 0.10.0

some simple rails extentions.

173,560 下載

haml-i18n-extractor 0.5.9

Parse the texts out of the haml files into localization files

170,729 下載

rack-streaming-proxy 2.0.2

Streaming proxy for Rack, the rainbows to Rack::Proxy's unicorn.

155,849 下載

comply 2.0.0

Validate your ActiveRecord models on the client, showing their error and success messag...

154,356 下載

fluent-plugin-formatter_sprintf 0.1.0

Fluentd Free formatter plugin, Use sprintf.

151,733 下載

protobuf-activerecord 7.0.0

Provides the ability to create Active Record objects from Protocol Buffer messages and ...

151,146 下載

heartcheck 2.0.0

A simple way to check your app heart.

150,873 下載

briar 2.0.5

extends calabash-ios steps

150,775 下載

ey-core 3.6.6

Engine Yard Core API Ruby Client

150,768 下載

git-whistles 1.4.2

A few helpers for classic Git workflows

148,757 下載

capybara-json 0.4.0

for testing json-api

142,042 下載

sapience 3.0

Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.

139,656 下載

crabfarm 0.7.11

Crabfarm lets you build web scrappers using TDD, it is also very opinionated about ...

133,529 下載

spirit_hands 2.1.13

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...

133,462 下載

clark_kent 0.11.3

Get an ad hoc report building UI for any model from your app that you configure for Cla...

132,302 下載

lifeguard 0.3.0

Do you have a threadpool? Do you need someone to watch it? Look no further!

131,672 下載


Generic approval queues for record creation and updates

124,630 下載

alephant-publisher 0.6.10

Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages

122,632 下載

inbox 2.0.1

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API.

119,593 下載

abstracted 0.4.22

Abstracted has a lot of inspiration from gems like resources_controller by Ian White!

117,171 下載

fuzzily 0.3.3

Fast fuzzy string matching for rails

116,830 下載

smoke_detector 2.0.1

Provides a single interface for posting errors to multiple error reporting providers (A...

113,981 下載

bits_service_client 4.0.0

Bits Services client for Cloud Foundry

112,882 下載

heartcheck-activerecord 0.1.3

Plugin to check activerecord connection in heartcheck.

106,328 下載

heartcheck-sidekiq 0.2.0

Plugin to check sidekiq connection in heartcheck.

105,795 下載

dummer 0.4.1

Generates dummy log data for Fluentd benchmark

104,386 下載

alephant-renderer 3.2.0

Render HTML snippets

104,356 下載

alephant-sequencer 3.2.0

Adds sequencing functionality to Alephant.

103,683 下載

synapse 0.16.2

Synapse is a daemon used to dynamically configure and manage local instances of HAProxy...

102,067 下載

總下載次數 24,317,182

這個版本 6,403,289



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.0
