RubyGems Navigation menu

pry-nav 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pry-nav

active_pubsub 0.0.9

Uses RabbitMQ and ActiveRecord for publishing and consuming model events from any service

31,919 下載

station_master 0.1.3

This gem provide an interface to an api from public site. This proj...

31,913 下載

baidupan 0.0.9

利用百度云盘接口, 实现文件备份功能 如果您有建议请在这里留言:

31,769 下載

acts_as_approvable 0.7.0

Generic approval queues for record creation, updates and deletion

31,731 下載

icinga2 1.0.0

An enhanced ruby gem to communicate with Icinga2 API.It's allowed create small applicat...

31,470 下載

travis-custom-deploy 0.0.6

Deploy your ruby based applications to your own servers

31,340 下載

moses 0.1.10

Moses is a simple command parser for writing command line applications

31,245 下載

ocman 1.4.0

Ruby gem for file managment and sharing in nextcloud/owncloud

31,163 下載

yt-annotations 2.0.0

A Ruby library to retrieve every type of annotation from any YouTube video, includi...

31,080 下載

tr4n5l4te 0.1.17

Use Google Translate without an API key.

30,697 下載

rails_base 0.82.0

Rails Engine that handles authentication, admin, 2fa, audit tracking, with insane confi...

30,453 下載

fluent-plugin-yohoushi 0.1.4

Fluentd plugin to post data to yohoushi

30,452 下載

yt-url 1.0.0

URL Extension for the Yt library.

30,420 下載

weasel 3.0.2

Works as a weasel for your controllers

30,053 下載

oxen_media 0.4.14

OxenMedia is a Gem in the Oxen* Family of Gem's

29,948 下載

rasti-form 6.0.0

Forms validations and type casting

29,871 下載

swamp 1.4.1

Automatically generates the methods and selectors to help on faster page-object creatio...

29,344 下載

extraloop 0.0.8

A Ruby library for extracting data from websites and web based APIs. Supports most comm...

29,107 下載

acts_as_git 0.2.5

Make your field act as a git repo. Save the content to a file, and load the content fro...

28,981 下載

mailcannon 0.1.1

A mass mailing tool for real threads aficionados

28,852 下載

hash_ext 0.6.2

Hash extensions without monkey patching

28,697 下載

fluent-format 0.3.0

A utility to format or check fluentd configuration

28,626 下載

heredity 0.1.2

provides class inheritable attributes outside of rails and other gem/frameworks

28,580 下載

microstatic 0.6.0

The microstatic gem turns generating your static site and deploying it to S3 into a one...

28,496 下載

s3stream 0.0.9

Stream files on S3 to stdout or from stdin

28,408 下載

social_sharer 0.1.4

Adds a set of view methods that allow the users to create sharing buttons for multiple ...

28,386 下載

rails-cloud-tasks 0.0.10

This gem is a wrapper on Google Cloud Tasks

28,283 下載

rails_jskit 5.1.5

rails_jskit provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchi...

28,091 下載


Multiple GrowthForecast Client

27,878 下載

freighter 0.2.6

Easily deploy docker containers via SSH

27,869 下載

總下載次數 25,328,459

這個版本 7,330,283




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.0
