rack-mini-profiler 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rack-mini-profiler
iqvoc 4.14.5
iQvoc - a SKOS(-XL) vocabulary management system built on the Semantic Web
170,256 下載
ikazuchi 1.2.1
meta-package of useful gems for rails development
57,163 下載
adminable 0.0.7
Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.
19,122 下載
authz 0.0.5
An opinionated almost-turnkey solution for managing authorization in Rails
17,928 下載
lcms-engine 0.5.5
Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems
16,370 下載
your_platform 1.0.1
Administrative and social network platform for closed user groups.
10,892 下載
yellowen-misc 0.4.0
A meta gem and a bundle of gems which we use mostly on development.
9,334 下載
gorg_engine 1.2.4
Rails Engine for Gorg apps
7,854 下載
neeto-commons-backend 1.0.109
Keeps all the common code of neeto products at one place
7,502 下載
miniprofiler-dashboard 0.0.2
A dashboard for MiniProfiler
6,325 下載
discussion 0.0.1
A gem to manage a thread discussion with ajax support.
4,146 下載
code_optimization 0.1.3
The best way to write a code called as code optimization. The best ways are ruby styleg...
3,614 下載
permadeps 1446.1.10
Ruby gem holds my permanent dependencies and configs I'm using in my Rails projects
2,469 下載