rbx-trepanning 0.0.1-universal-rubinius
A modular, testable, Ruby debugger using some of good ideas from ruby-debug, other debuggers, and Ruby Rails. Some of the core debugger concepts have been rethought. As a result, some of this may be experimental. This version works only Rubinus 1.2 or higher.
- 0.2.1 July 19, 2013 universal-rubinius-2.0 (179 KB)
- 0.2.1 July 19, 2013 universal-rubinius-1.2 (179 KB)
- 0.2.0 July 14, 2013 universal-rubinius-2.0 (179 KB)
- 0.1.0 October 28, 2011 universal-rubinius-1.2 (177 KB)
- 0.0.8 March 16, 2011 universal-rubinius-1.2 (160 KB)
- 0.0.1 December 25, 2010 universal-rubinius (130 KB)