Dépendances inversées pour realweb Latest version of the following gems require realweb
engineyard-cloud-client 2.1.1
This gem connects to the EY Cloud API
684 548 Téléchargements
ey_stonith 0.4.2
Shoot The Other Node In The Head (with a nerf gun)
104 434 Téléchargements
engineyard-hudson 0.3.2
Run your continuous integration (CI) tests against your Engine Yard AppCloud environmen...
29 106 Téléchargements
engineyard-dnsimple 0.3.0
Easily configure your DNS with Engine Yard AppCloud via DNSimple.
19 745 Téléchargements
engineyard-dns 1.1.0
Easily configure your DNS with Engine Yard AppCloud via Fog.
16 070 Téléchargements
engineyard-jenkins 0.5.1
Run your continuous integration (CI) tests against your Engine Yard AppCloud environmen...
12 422 Téléchargements
rack-tunnel 0.1.1
Automatic port forwading via SSH tunneling.
9 428 Téléchargements
niffler 0.0.3
A tool for getting software metadata from various online tools
6 636 Téléchargements
balancir 0.0.1
A client side HTTP load balancer.
4 834 Téléchargements
crazy-yard 3.2.2
This gem allows you to deploy your rails application to the Engine Yard cloud directly ...
3 895 Téléchargements