RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para red-arrow La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren red-arrow

red-parquet 16.1.0

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format.

978.954 Descargas

groonga-command 1.5.3

Groonga-command is a library that represents [Groonga]('s command. ...

600.261 Descargas

red-gandiva 16.1.0

Gandiva is a toolset for compiling and evaluating expressions on Arrow data.

35.562 Descargas

red-arrow-cuda 16.1.0

Apache Arrow CUDA is a common in-memory columnar data store on CUDA. It's useful to sha...

35.486 Descargas

red-plasma 11.0.0

Plasma is an in-memory object store and cache for big data. red-plasma is deprecated si...

32.651 Descargas

red-arrow-dataset 16.1.0

Apache Arrow Dataset is one of Apache Arrow components to read and write semantic datas...

30.322 Descargas

red-arrow-flight 16.1.0

Apache Arrow Flight is a general-purpose client-server framework to simplify high perfo...

12.699 Descargas

red-arrow-numo-narray 0.0.6

Red Arrow Numo::NArray adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_narray` and `#to_arrow`/`#to_arrow_array`...

11.125 Descargas

red_amber 0.5.2

RedAmber is a data frame library inspired by Rover-df and powered by Red Arrow.

10.854 Descargas

red-arrow-nmatrix 0.0.4

Red Arrow NMatrix adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_nmatrix` for Apache Arrow to NMatrix conversio...

7.911 Descargas

red-datasets-arrow 0.0.3

Red Datasets Arrow adds `#to_arrow` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. You can get...

7.693 Descargas

fluent-plugin-arrow 0.0.4

Apache Arrow formatter plugin for fluentd.

7.531 Descargas

red-arrow-pycall 0.0.5

Red Arrow PyCall adds `#to_python` method to most Ruby objects for Apache Arrow such as...

6.940 Descargas

red-arrow-gsl 0.0.3

Red Arrow GSL adds `Arrow::*Array#to_gsl`/`Arrow::Tensor#to_gsl` for Apache Arrow to GS...

5.269 Descargas

red-arrow-gpu 0.11.0

Apache Arrow GPU is a common in-memory columnar data store on GPU. It's useful to share...

5.172 Descargas

red-adbc 1.0.0

ADBC (Apache Arrow Database Connectivity) is an API standard for database access librar...

4.839 Descargas

red-arrow-duckdb 1.0.2

Red Arrow DuckDB is a library that provides Apache Arrow support to ruby-duckdb.

4.071 Descargas

red-arrow-activerecord 0.1.1

A library that provides conversion method between Apache Arrow and ActiveRecord

3.602 Descargas

fluent-plugin-s3-arrow 0.2.0

Extends the fluent-plugin-s3 compression algorithm to enable red-arrow compression.

3.543 Descargas

red-arrow-gdk-pixbuf 1.0.0

Red Arrow GDK Pixbuf adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_pixbuf` and `GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf#to_arrow`. `...

2.075 Descargas

red-amber-view 0.0.1

A Data Viewer for RedAmber. Opens a window and displays a spreadsheet-like table.

1.661 Descargas

red-datafusion 21.0.0

Apache Arrow DataFusion is an extensible query execution framework that uses Apache Arr...

1.103 Descargas

wisconsin-benchmark 0.1.0

Scalable Wisconsin Benchmark dataset generator for Arrow/Parquet.

521 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.190.516

Para esta versión 974



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
