reek 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 reek
find_a_port 1.0.1
Use a TCPServer hack to find an open TCP port
29,061,376 下載
semaphore_test_boosters 2.7.1
Gem for auto-parallelizing builds across Semaphore jobs.
19,201,970 下載
authy 3.0.1
Ruby library to access Authy services. This gem is deprecated, please see the README fo...
15,922,022 下載
rubycritic 4.9.1
RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...
12,691,813 下載
grease 0.3.2
Grease provides an adapter to use Tilt as extension of Sprockets 3 or later.
5,973,353 下載
capybara-selenium 0.0.6
Dead-simple way to make Capybara and Selenium play together
5,806,673 下載
pronto-reek 0.11.1
Pronto runner for Reek, code smell detector for Ruby
3,494,855 下載
treye-semaphore_test_boosters 2.5.2
Gem for auto-parallelizing builds across Semaphore jobs.
2,728,431 下載
yarjuf 2.0.0
Yet Another RSpec JUnit Formatter (for Hudson/Jenkins)
2,614,999 下載
nanoid 2.0.0
Ruby implementation of Nanoid, secure URL-friendly unique ID generator
2,263,888 下載
metric_fu 4.13.0
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...
2,077,458 下載
active_storage_base64 3.0.0
Base64 support for ActiveStorage
1,841,597 下載
transitions 1.3.0
Lightweight state machine extracted from ActiveModel
1,525,391 下載
active_frontend 18.0.1
ActiveFrontend is a refreshingly modern responsive web framework for beautiful and fast...
1,074,046 下載
que-scheduler 5.1.1
A lightweight cron scheduler for the Que async job worker
912,017 下載
it 2.0.0
A helper for links and other html tags in your translations
825,052 下載
guard-reek 1.2.0
Guard::Reek automatically runs Reek when files change
695,526 下載
rltk 3.0.1
The Ruby Language Toolkit provides classes for creating context-free grammars, lexers, ...
643,724 下載
quality 40.0.1
Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
480,615 下載
cacheable_flash 1.0.0
Allows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...
441,131 下載
kitchen-terraform 7.0.2
kitchen-terraform is a set of Test Kitchen plugins for testing Terraform configuration
404,333 下載
stackable_flash 0.1.1
Allows flashes to stack intelligently, while preserving existing behavior of the Rails ...
357,610 下載
filigree 0.4.1
Filigree provides new classes and extensions to core library classes that add functiona...
334,289 下載
ruby_rabbitmq_janus 4.0.1
This gem is used to communicate to a server Janus through RabbitMQ software (Message-...
295,962 下載
cosmos 5.0.5
Ball Aerospace COSMOS provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and...
245,232 下載
figjam 1.6.2
ENV configuration for ruby using hierarchical environment yaml files
244,388 下載
rails-static-router 1.0.6
Enjoy static routes in your Rails `config/routes.rb`
228,461 下載
danger-reek 0.3.0
A Danger plugin to lint Ruby files through Reek.
227,378 下載
active_object 5.14.1
Class extensions of commonly used ruby object helpers.
224,093 下載
erp_integration 1.0.1
Connects Mejuri with third-party ERP vendors
222,978 下載