reform 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 reform
reform-rails 0.2.6
Automatically load and include all common Reform features for a standard Rails environm...
5,372,833 下载
trailblazer-macro-contract 2.1.5
Operation macros for form objects
1,464,188 下载
pact_broker 2.114.0
A server that stores and returns pact files generated by the pact gem. It enables head/...
478,135 下载
hyrax 5.0.4
Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
237,451 下载
valkyrie 3.5.0
An ORM using the Data Mapper pattern, specifically built to solve Digital Repository us...
181,954 下载
activeadmin-reform 1.1.0
Provides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application
65,621 下载
shrine-reform 0.1.4
Provides Reform integration for Shrine.
42,702 下载
super_tools 3.0.1
Rails 開發環境常用工具 Forms/Process/Spreadsheet
36,763 下载
reform_errors_objects 0.1.3
extends errors class with :objects method
33,408 下载
morpho 1.2.1
Skeleton rails engine for modular development.
26,977 下载
pragma-contract 2.1.1
Form objects on steroids for your HTTP API.
26,617 下载
corvette 0.0.5
Some kind of new rails architecture solution
11,768 下载
tyrant 0.0.3
Agnostic authorization component for Trailblazer.
10,719 下载
usine 1.3.0
Usine (french word for factory) is a wrapper around factory_girl for Trailblazer’s oper...
10,134 下载
reativo 0.1.5
Make Rails more reactive
9,604 下载
railsblocks-common 5.1.0
Description of Block::Common.
8,577 下载
deadlift 0.0.2
Deadlift is a powerful gem that shrinkens your fat code
5,622 下载
simple_factory 0.1.0
A simple test data generator.
3,616 下载
datashift_journey 0.1.3
Rail Wizard - Easily create sequence of forms leading a visitor through a series of def...
3,268 下载