resque_spec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 resque_spec
sunspot-queue 0.10.3
Background search indexing using existing worker systems.
682,425 下載
user_trackers 0.1.3
Gem for tracking user's activity on a rails app using mixpanel, intercom, slack and dat...
54,294 下載
quorum 0.8.2
Flexible bioinformatics search tool.
51,726 下載
resque_mail_queue 0.4.0
Simple asynchronous emails with Resque
39,752 下載
governor_background 0.3.0
A middle-tier plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system, allowing you to ti...
18,842 下載
km_resque 1.0.3
Interact with the KISSMetrics API via Resque
16,005 下載
km-resque 0.9.3
Interact with the KISSMetrics API via Resque
13,472 下載
resque-async 0.0.4
Simple way of invoking methods asynchronously using resque.
12,243 下載
delivery_uncle 0.1.5
Rails Engine that you can hire to manage your outgoing email
11,906 下載
delayed_resque 1.0.2
Gem design to wrap Delayed Job nicety syntax under Resque
7,170 下載
ftpmvc-async-upload 0.1.0
FTPMVC asynchronous upload using resque
6,892 下載
resque-assurances 0.1.0
Collection of resque plugins that individually provide specific assurances about how re...
5,722 下載
backgrounder 0.0.1
Create background jobs using Redis with ease.
4,923 下載
resque-alive 0.1.0
resque-alive adds a Kubernetes Liveness probe to a Resque instance. How? resque-alive...
2,557 下載