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right_scraper 3.2.6

RightScraper provides a simple interface to download and keep local copies of remote repositories up-to-date using the following protocols: * git: RightScraper will clone then pull repos from git * SVN: RightScraper will checkout then update SVN repositories * tarballs: RightScraper will download, optionally uncompress and expand a given tar file On top of retrieving remote repositories, right_scraper also include "scrapers" that will analyze the repository content and instantiate "resources" as a result. Currently supported resources are Chef cookbooks and RightScale workflow definitions.

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  1. 5.3.1 - April 01, 2016 (42 KB)
  2. 5.2.8 - March 30, 2016 (42 KB)
  3. 5.2.7 - March 28, 2016 (42 KB)
  4. 5.2.6 - March 25, 2016 (42 KB)
  5. 5.2.5 - March 25, 2016 (42 KB)
  6. 3.2.6 - November 20, 2013 (55 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (45 total)

dependencias de Runtime (5):

blackwinter-git ~> 1.2.7
json ~> 1.4
right_aws >= 2.0
right_popen ~> 1.1.1
right_support ~> 2.6

dependencias de Development (3):

flexmock ~> 0.9
rspec ~> 2.0
rtags ~> 0.97


curl command line client

git command line client

Subversion command line client



  • Graham Hughes, Raphael Simon, Scott Messier

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 142.305

Para esta versión 3.106



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7
