Dépendances inversées pour rodauth Latest version of the following gems require rodauth
rodauth-rails 2.1.0
Provides Rails integration for Rodauth authentication framework.
317 871 Téléchargements
rodauth-model 0.4.0
Provides model mixin for Active Record and Sequel that defines password attribute and a...
215 027 Téléchargements
rodauth-omniauth 0.6.0
Rodauth extension for logging in and creating account via OmniAuth authentication.
98 913 Téléchargements
osso 0.1.2
This gem includes the main functionality for Osso apps,
77 491 Téléchargements
rodauth-oauth 1.6.3
Implementation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol on top of rodauth.
75 797 Téléchargements
rodauth-i18n 0.8.0
Provides I18n integration and translations for Rodauth authentication framework.
39 967 Téléchargements
rodauth-become_account 0.3.0
Easily switch Rodauth accounts
23 592 Téléchargements
rodauth-pwned 0.2.1
Rodauth extension for checking whether a password had been exposed in a database breach...
16 492 Téléchargements
rodauth-select-account 0.1.3
Multiple authenticated accounts per session in rodauth.
16 105 Téléchargements
rodauth-json 0.1.0
Rodauth JSON extension
1 729 Téléchargements
authtown 0.5.0
Rodauth integration for Bridgetown
1 672 Téléchargements
rodauth-openapi 0.2.0
Allows dynamically generating OpenAPI documentation based on Rodauth configuration.
1 663 Téléchargements
rodauth-guest 0.0.1
Provides guest users functionality for Rodauth.
1 070 Téléchargements
rodauth-pat 0.1.1
Implementation of personal access tokens on top of rodauth.
519 Téléchargements