RubyGems Navigation menu

roodiの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はroodiを必要としています

metric_fu 4.13.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2,031,777 ダウンロード数

cacheable_flash 1.0.0

Allows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...

422,505 ダウンロード数

stackable_flash 0.1.1

Allows flashes to stack intelligently, while preserving existing behavior of the Rails ...

343,752 ダウンロード数

csv_pirate 5.0.9

CsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Ruby, in full pira...

140,326 ダウンロード数

rack-insight 0.6.4

Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Based on logical...

124,655 ダウンロード数

super_exception_notifier 3.1.0

Allows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an a...

90,713 ダウンロード数

cuken 0.1.22

Reusable Cucumber steps and API for post-convergence system integration descriptions

75,027 ダウンロード数

pdf-wrapper 0.4.5

A unicode aware PDF writing library that uses the ruby bindings to various c libraries ...

74,417 ダウンロード数


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

71,192 ダウンロード数

apidragon 1.8.0

Ruby based CLI for accessing veracode's api

70,626 ダウンロード数

veracodecli 1.1.0

Ruby based CLI for accessing veracode's api

67,823 ダウンロード数

edouard-metric_fu 1.2.1

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task a...

53,958 ダウンロード数

preflight 0.3.0

Provides a programatic way to check a PDF file conforms to standards like PDF-X/1a

53,278 ダウンロード数

specs 0.21

See for example usage

50,351 ダウンロード数

rtsp_server 0.1.2

This library intends to follow the RTSP RFC document (2326) to allow for working with R...

48,776 ダウンロード数

cloudist 0.5.0

Cloudist is a simple, highly scalable job queue for Ruby applications, it can run withi...

48,600 ダウンロード数

aspelllint 0.14

See for example usage

44,654 ダウンロード数

rusen 0.1.0

RUby Simple Exception Notification (a.k.a. rusen) as it names indicates is a ...

43,193 ダウンロード数

prometheus-splash 0.9.1

Prometheus Logs and Batchs supervision over PushGateway and commands orchestration

36,745 ダウンロード数

rubycheck 0.0.9

See specs/ tests for example usage.

36,220 ダウンロード数

rakuna 1.0.1

Rakuna provides mixins to simplify Webmachine development

36,089 ダウンロード数

archivist-client 0.2.4

archivist-client queries for book data and downloads some things.

33,833 ダウンロード数

autocolors 0.0.7

Inspired by solarized, and lots of work with various colorschemes and syntax highlight ...

31,381 ダウンロード数

codnar 0.1.77

Code Narrator (Codnar) is an inverse literate programming tool. It splits the source fi...

30,939 ダウンロード数

etvnet_seek 0.6.1

Command line tool for getting mms urls from etvnet service.

28,824 ダウンロード数

connfu-client 0.1.6

This gem provides a smooth access to connFu capabilities

27,272 ダウンロード数

olag 0.1.22

Olag is Oren's set of utilities for creating a well-behaved gem. This is very opinionat...

26,139 ダウンロード数

mead 0.1.3

Extract identifiers and metadata from EAD XML.

23,047 ダウンロード数

in_json 0.0.6

JSON serialization for Rails. Straight-forward attributes. Only serialize what you want...

21,211 ダウンロード数

minecraftctl 2.0.3

Allows to send messages, start and stop Minecraft server

20,314 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 2,229,215

このバージョンのみ 707,331



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
