Dépendances inversées pour rrd-ffi Latest version of the following gems require rrd-ffi
logtrend 0.9.20101209201344
logtrend is an HTTP log parser built on top of event machine, generating rrd graphs of ...
72 150 Téléchargements
errand 0.8.1
Errand provides Ruby bindings for RRD functions (via rrd-ffi), and a concise DSL for in...
39 767 Téléchargements
focuslight 0.2.4
Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool
23 232 Téléchargements
hq-grapher-icinga-perfdata 0.1.1
HQ tool to send icinga perfdata to rrd
15 730 Téléchargements
rrd-grapher 1.0.3
Graphing toolkit for RRD
13 406 Téléchargements
observed-gauge 0.2.0
Gauge plugin for Observed
6 309 Téléchargements
rrd_rest_api 1.1.0
This is a server which exposes data from local RRD files via a RESTful API.
5 895 Téléchargements