Dépendances inversées pour rspec-collection_matchers Latest version of the following gems require rspec-collection_matchers
cookiejar 0.3.4
Allows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code
36 393 232 Téléchargements
html2text 0.4.0
A Ruby component to convert HTML into a plain text format.
31 348 086 Téléchargements
validates_hostname 1.0.13
Extension to ActiveRecord::Base for validating hostnames
31 008 273 Téléchargements
activerecord-explain-analyze 0.1.0
Extends ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE and output formats of JSO...
29 654 813 Téléchargements
roadie 5.2.1
Roadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful by inlining stylesheets ...
21 622 802 Téléchargements
roadie-rails 3.3.0
Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation.
17 573 036 Téléchargements
skylight 6.0.4
Skylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.
10 928 630 Téléchargements
ci_reporter_rspec 1.0.0
Connects CI::Reporter to RSpec
8 735 969 Téléchargements
logstash-output-elasticsearch 12.0.2
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
8 521 111 Téléchargements
datadog-lambda 3.25.0
datadog-lambda is Datadog's AWS Lambda integration for ruby. It is used to perform dist...
4 286 220 Téléchargements
skylight-core 4.3.2
The core methods of the Skylight profiler.
3 645 423 Téléchargements
mailboxer 0.15.1
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
2 410 027 Téléchargements
ci_reporter_minitest 1.0.0
Connects CI::Reporter to Minitest
1 853 366 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-empty_string-check 1.0.0
A puppet-lint plugin to check for variables assigned to the empty string.
1 489 397 Téléchargements
blacklight 8.8.4
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
1 459 491 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits-check 1.0.0
A puppet-lint plugin to check for classes and defined types that contain names beginnin...
1 377 948 Téléchargements
oas_parser 0.25.4
A parser for Open API specifications
1 329 350 Téléchargements
puppet_pot_generator 1.0.1
Generates a pot file from your puppet code
1 296 732 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-undef_in_function-check 0.2.1
A puppet-lint plugin to check for undef in function calls.
1 280 526 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-absolute_template_path 2.0.0
A new check for puppet-lint that checks all template paths are in the template('exa...
1 224 340 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-trailing_newline-check 1.1.0
Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifest files end with newlines.
1 156 150 Téléchargements
basecrm 2.0.0
Zendesk Sell Official API V2 library client for ruby
1 152 246 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-legacy_facts-check 1.0.4
A pupet-lint to check you are not using legacy facts like `$::operatingsystem` or `$f...
1 057 339 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-spaceship_operator_without_tag-check 1.0.1
A puppet-lint plugin to check that spaceship operator is called with a tag.
953 531 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-manifest_whitespace-check 0.3.0
A new check for puppet-lint that validates generic whitespace issues in manifests.
891 973 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-top_scope_facts-check 1.0.1
A puppet-lint plugin to check you are not using top scope fact variables like $::oper...
755 962 Téléchargements
puppet-lint-numericvariable 1.0.3
Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your variables are not numeric
701 928 Téléchargements
warning_signs 0.7.2
A gem for managing ruby and rails deprecation warnings
662 300 Téléchargements
ci_reporter_test_unit 1.0.1
Connects CI::Reporter to Test::Unit
655 778 Téléchargements
activerecord-tableless 2.0.0
ActiveRecord Tableless Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...
652 181 Téléchargements