rswag-api 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rswag-api
rswag 2.16.0
Generate beautiful API documentation, including a UI to explore and test operations, di...
10,185,031 下载
uffizzi_core 2.4.10
79,262 下载
his_emr_api_lab 2.0.5
This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...
70,417 下载
his_emr_api_radiology 1.0.9
This adds a radiology interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by ...
10,831 下载
uffizzi-core 0.1.13
1,981 下载
mahis_emr_api_lab 1.2.4
This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...
1,082 下载
rrx_api 0.1.0
Ruby on Rails core API support
417 下载
mahis_his_emr_api_lab 1.2.0
This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...
281 下载