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rubocop-rake 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake

asciidoctor-epub3 2.1.3

An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to EPUB3 e-book format.

112,386 下載

u3d 1.3.3

Provides numerous tools for installing, managing and running the Unity game engine from...

111,047 下載

swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.1

Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll

110,163 下載

onlyoffice_api 1.0.1

Ruby Framework to interact with OnlyOffice API 2.0

109,892 下載

ruby_gpg2 0.10.0

Wraps the gpg binary (>= 2.0) so that it can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

108,800 下載

vtk 0.9.5

This is a platform CLI tool for VFS developer usage.

107,767 下載

ndr_dev_support 7.2.4

Provides support to developers of NDR projects

106,564 下載

kramdown-plantuml 1.3.3

kramdown-plantuml allows you to use PlantUML syntax within fenced code blocks with Kram...

103,299 下載

lite-ruby 2.3.0

Collection of useful Ruby methods for its primitive classes

101,146 下載

que-unique 1.1.0

A gem that removes duplicates when multiple copies of a que job are enqueued.

101,090 下載

onlyoffice_documentserver_conversion_helper 0.5.0

Helper method for using ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer conversion api

98,311 下載

onlyoffice_iredmail_helper 1.0.0

ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for iRedMail. Used in QA

96,903 下載

dyndnsd 3.10.0

A small, lightweight and extensible DynDNS server written with Ruby and Rack.

95,079 下載

palladium 1.1.0

Wrapper gem for usage of Palladium API

92,488 下載

acidic_job 0.9.0

Idempotent operations for Rails apps, built on top of ActiveJob.

90,993 下載

finapps_core 6.0.2

A simple library for communicating with the FinApps REST API. Core functionality.

90,850 下載

chess 0.3.4

A fast chess library that use bitboards to play chess with Ruby.

89,508 下載

rake_gpg 0.18.0

Rake tasks for common GPG related activities allowing keys to be managed and content to...

89,485 下載

rubocop-powerhome 0.5.2

Powerhome Rubocop standard rules

88,200 下載

cryptum 0.0.464

Personalized High-Frequency Trading Bot

88,160 下載

smile-identity-core 2.2.5

The Official Smile Identity gem

87,503 下載

ci_toolkit 1.6.4

Set of tools making it easier to interact between Github PRs and Bitrise CI

87,342 下載

kagu 4.0.0

API to manage macOS Music tracks and playlists

86,778 下載

rake_github 0.13.0

Allows managing repository deploy keys.

85,877 下載

sorare-rewards 1.6.1

["Sorare", "reward", "allocation", "algorithm"]

84,401 下載

password_blocklist 0.5.0

A simple Ruby library to check if a given string is present in a blocklist of commo...

80,552 下載

rspec_passed_time_formatter 0.2.0

Formatter for `rspec` with output html with end times

80,284 下載

activerecord-time 1.0.0

A handler for storing TimeOfDay objects in ActiveRecord objects as sql time values.

79,180 下載

br_documents 0.2.5

Validates brazilian documents like CPF, CNPJ and IE.

78,524 下載

hayabusa 0.0.30

A threadded web/app-server that focuses on threadding, shared ressources, speed and more.

77,314 下載

總下載次數 15,518,810

這個版本 12,752,801



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
