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rubocop-sorbet 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-sorbet

dependabot-common 0.300.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support ...

4,411,224 下載

dependabot-omnibus 0.300.0

Dependabot-Omnibus provides all the gems included in Dependabot. Dependabot provides au...

4,093,957 下載

dependabot-terraform 0.300.0

Dependabot-Terraform provides support for bumping Terraform modules via Dependabot. If ...

4,065,934 下載

dependabot-docker 0.300.0

Dependabot-Docker provides support for bumping Docker image tags via Dependabot. If you...

4,037,318 下載

dependabot-git_submodules 0.300.0

Dependabot-Git_Submodules provides support for bumping git submodules via Dependabot. I...

4,022,889 下載

dependabot-python 0.300.0

Dependabot-Python provides support for bumping Python packages via Dependabot. If you w...

4,011,776 下載

dependabot-nuget 0.300.0

Dependabot-Nuget provides support for bumping .NET (NuGet) packages via Dependabot. If ...

4,000,982 下載

dependabot-cargo 0.300.0

Dependabot-Cargo provides support for bumping Rust (cargo) crates via Dependabot. If yo...

3,998,016 下載

dependabot-elm 0.300.0

Dependabot-Elm provides support for bumping Elm packages via Dependabot. If you want su...

3,992,543 下載

dependabot-gradle 0.300.0

Dependabot-Gradle provides support for bumping Gradle packages via Dependabot. If you w...

3,980,520 下載

dependabot-maven 0.300.0

Dependabot-Maven provides support for bumping Maven packages via Dependabot. If you wan...

3,972,901 下載

dependabot-go_modules 0.300.0

Dependabot-Go_Modules provides support for bumping Go Modules versions via Dependabot. ...

3,904,020 下載

dependabot-hex 0.300.0

Dependabot-Hex provides support for bumping Elixir (hex) packages via Dependabot. If yo...

3,860,069 下載

dependabot-composer 0.300.0

Dependabot-Composer provides support for bumping PHP (composer) libraries via Dependabo...

3,856,572 下載

dependabot-npm_and_yarn 0.300.0

Dependabot-NPM_And_Yarn provides support for bumping Javascript (npm and yarn) librarie...

3,843,745 下載

dependabot-bundler 0.300.0

Dependabot-Bundler provides support for bumping Ruby (bundler) gems via Dependabot. If ...

3,759,874 下載

dependabot-github_actions 0.300.0

Dependabot-GitHub_Actions provides support for bumping GitHub Actions via Dependabot. I...

2,736,733 下載

rubocop-packs 0.0.45

A collection of Rubocop rules for gradually modularizing a ruby codebase

1,719,178 下載

dependabot-pub 0.300.0

Dependabot-Pub provides support for bumping Dart (pub) packages via Dependabot. If you ...

1,512,573 下載

ffprober 1.0

a Ruby wrapper for ffprobe

1,001,285 下載

dependabot-swift 0.300.0

Dependabot-Swift provides support for bumping Swift packages via Dependabot. If you wan...

993,944 下載

dependabot-devcontainers 0.300.0

Dependabot-Devcontainers provides support for managing dev container versioning via Dep...

925,716 下載

acts-as-messageable 1.0.2

Make user messageable!;-)

315,970 下載

danger-packwerk 0.14.4

Danger plugin for packwerk.

176,524 下載

rubocop-standard 7.3.3

Enables Shopify’s Ruby Style Guide recommendations (and bundles them with other nicetie...

85,287 下載

package_protections 4.0.1

Package protections for Rails apps

77,315 下載

rubocop-dbl 2.1.2

RuboCop configuration for our Ruby on Rails projects

59,002 下載

standard-sorbet 0.0.2

Standard Ruby Plugin providing configuration for rubocop-sorbet

47,022 下載

wt_activerecord_index_spy 0.5.0

It uses activerecord's notifications to run an explain query on each query that uses a ...

46,798 下載

lollipop 0.6.0

Development dependencies collection

15,506 下載

總下載次數 16,437,304

這個版本 7,984




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
