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ruby-vips 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ruby-vips

image_processing 1.12.2

High-level wrapper for processing images for the web with ImageMagick or libvips.

53,487,130 下载

active_storage_validations 1.1.4

Validations for Active Storage (presence)

14,235,619 下载

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

10,524,503 下载

carrierwave-vips 1.2.0

Adds VIPS support to CarrierWave

202,118 下载

pageflow 17.0.4

Multimedia story telling for the web.

200,201 下载

dynamic_image 3.0.3

DynamicImage is a Rails plugin that simplifies image uploading and processing

134,501 下载

jekyll_picture_tag 2.1.0

Jekyll Picture Tag adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It automatica...

123,234 下载


dHash and IDHash perceptual image hashing/fingerprinting

104,159 下载

dragonfly_libvips 2.5.1

Dragonfly analysers and processors for libvips image processing library.

57,631 下载

imogen 0.3.2

IIIF image derivative generation helpers for Vips

42,298 下载

assembly-image 2.1.2

Contains classes to create derivative image files and perform other image operations

36,291 下载

paperclip-vips 1.2.2

Uses Ruby Vips to when creating thumbnails for faster generation.

32,859 下载

jekyll-images 0.4.4

Optimizes images for Jekyll

23,376 下载

file_pipeline 0.1.2

The file_pipeline gem provides a framework for nondestructive application of file opera...

21,913 下载

distorted 0.7.0

Ruby implementation of core file-format operations used by DistorteD-Jekyll.

19,381 下载

vips-process 0.2.3

Process your images with ruby-vips using an operation-oriented approach.

15,099 下载

shrine-blurhash 0.1.0

Shrine plugin to compute Blurhash on image attachments

14,925 下载

natour 0.12.0

natour provides an application and a library to document nature activities.

13,085 下载

torchvision 0.3.0

Computer vision datasets, transforms, and models for Ruby

12,374 下载

vitals_image 0.5.0

Image tags that conform with web vitals

11,216 下载

daily_image 0.1.5

A gem generate a daily image. Just For Fun 😊

10,649 下载

jekyll-thumb 0.2.1

This Jekyll plugin autogenerates image thumbnails using the vips library

9,501 下载

despeck 0.5.0

Removes stamps and watermarks from scanned images for OCR, 'removes specks'

8,830 下载

carrierwave-daltonize 0.0.4

Carrierwave VIPS Daltonize processing

7,578 下载

eikon 0.1.11

A small pure-Ruby (for now) implementation of DHash

5,750 下载

pixelchart 1.2.0

Create a binary pixel map

5,036 下载

foggy-mirror 1.2.0

foggy-mirror takes a raster image and outputs a blurred version of it using SVG or CSS

2,433 下载

jekyll-og-image 1.4.1

Jekyll plugin to generate GitHub-style open graph images

2,102 下载

middleman-srcset_images 0.2.0

Middleman plugin for automatic img tags with proper srcset attributes. You can configur...

2,070 下载

honua 0.1.0

A mapping library to stitch geographic map images based on map tiles provided by a rast...

1,611 下载

下载总量 54,785,155

这个版本 2,215,414



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0.0
