rubycritic 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubycritic
guard-rubycritic 2.9.3
Ruby Critic is a tool that listens to modifications in Ruby classes, modules and method...
301,697 下載
skunk 0.5.3
Knows how to calculate the SkunkScore for a set of Ruby modules
159,738 下載
repo-small-badge 0.2.10
Small Badge generator to be used for different tools 4 ruby. Examples rubycritic and si...
151,129 下載
simple-spreadsheet-extractor 0.18.2
Takes a stream to a spreadsheet file and produces an XML or CSV representation of its c...
142,593 下載
heartcheck-activerecord 0.1.3
Plugin to check activerecord connection in heartcheck.
112,414 下載
basquiat 1.6.0
Basquiat is a library that intends to abstract all the complexity of working with messa...
83,411 下載
tableware 1.0.0
A nice way of parsing text tables into Ararys or Hashes for clearer code. Great for tes...
79,245 下載
elmas 3.1.0
API wrapper for Exact Online
77,977 下載
danica 2.7.7
75,312 下載
sixarm_ruby_email_address_validation 3.0.0
Email address validation using RFC 822 pattern matching regular expressions
71,734 下載
smartsheet 2.101.1
This is an SDK to simplify connecting to the Smartsheet API (http://www.smartsheet....
71,305 下載
simplecov-small-badge 0.2.7
Small Badge generator for SimpleCov coverage tool for ruby
59,568 下載
sinclair 2.1.1
Gem for easy concern creation
56,677 下載
tdc 1.1
A simple framework for creating a Test Data Catalog
54,316 下載
azeroth 1.1.0
52,802 下載
arstotzka 1.6.2
46,333 下載
sixarm_ruby_magic_number_type 3.0.0
Tool to parse the first bytes of a file and compare it to a list of known mime types.
45,537 下載
rgentpl 2.0.0
Ruby Skeleton Generator based in templates
44,816 下載
darthjee-core_ext 2.0.0
Extension of basic classes with usefull methods
41,256 下載
tingyun_rpm 3.2.0
TingYun Ruby Agent
40,499 下載
polishgeeks-dev-tools 1.4.0
Set of tools used when developing Ruby based apps
37,669 下載
rack-cloudflare 1.0.5
Deal with Cloudflare features in Rack-based apps.
35,803 下載
yukon 0.5.2
Express checkout using ActiveMerchant Paypal API.
35,079 下載
code_quality 0.5.2
run code quality and security audit report with one command or one rake task
33,049 下載
Support classes for BBK stack
32,559 下載
openseek-api 0.18
ruby gem to talk to openbis-api java libaries, for use within SEEK4Science
32,422 下載
croods 0.4.0
A framework for creating CRUDs in Rails APIs
31,517 下載
long-command-runner 0.3.0
This lib aims to follow a terminal command that is long to execute and monitorthe CPU u...
30,578 下載
sixarm_ruby_ramp 5.0.2
Adds extensions to Array, Date, Enumerable, File, Hash, IO, String, Time, etc.
30,327 下載
rubycritic-small-badge 0.2.1
Small Badge generator for RubyCritic analysis tool for ruby
29,936 下載