Dépendances inversées pour rubygems-bundler Latest version of the following gems require rubygems-bundler
bonethug 0.0.99
Project Skeleton Manager
310 233 Téléchargements
music-transcription 0.21.0
The goal of music-transcription is the abstract representation of standard musical fea...
93 525 Téléchargements
rgitflow 0.2.2
A collection of Rake tasks designed to represent Git Flow in a Ruby context.
45 361 Téléchargements
vizjerai-google-checkout 0.4.0
An experimental library for sending payment requests to Google Checkout.
30 585 Téléchargements
pampa 2.1.5
Pampa is a Ruby library for async & distributing computing providing the following feat...
15 428 Téléchargements
vagrant-hp 0.1.4
Enables Vagrant to manage machines on HP Cloud.
14 946 Téléchargements
music-performance 0.4.2
Prepare a transcribed musical score for performance by a computer.
13 126 Téléchargements
rubygems-plugin fork! Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire ...
8 126 Téléchargements