samovar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 samovar
falcon 0.51.1
A fast, asynchronous, rack-compatible web server.
897,926 下載
process-metrics 0.5.1
Provide detailed OS-specific process metrics.
619,569 下載
utopia 2.29.0
Utopia is a framework for building dynamic content-driven websites.
424,791 下載
bake 0.23.1
A replacement for rake with a simpler syntax.
339,187 下載
teapot 3.5.4
Teapot is a tool for managing complex cross-platform builds.
169,606 下載
fingerprint 3.4.0
Fingerprint is a tool for creating checksums of entire directory structures, and compar...
52,208 下載
benchmark-http 0.18.0
An asynchronous benchmark toolbox for modern HTTP servers.
51,287 下載
cloudflare-dns-update 3.1.0
A dyndns client for Cloudflare.
37,141 下載
rackula 1.4.1
Generate a static site from any rackup compatible application.
36,855 下載
turbo_test 0.2.0
Press the turbo button... for your tests.
35,369 下載
git-heatmap 0.2.2
Generate heatmap style visualisations based on git history.
8,026 下載
plotty 0.5.0
Draw graphs from data gathered by executing commands
6,912 下載
trenni-markdown 0.3.0
A markdown parser and literate programming code generator.
6,692 下載
async-runner 0.1.2
Abstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appr...
827 下載