Dépendances inversées pour sass-rails Latest version of the following gems require sass-rails
compass-rails 4.0.0
Integrate Compass into Rails 3.0 and up.
17 969 582 Téléchargements
active_material 2.1.4
ActiveAdmin skin based on Google's Material Design.
8 202 097 Téléchargements
jquery-datatables-rails 3.4.0
jquery datatables for rails
7 381 528 Téléchargements
cells-rails 0.1.6
Convenient Rails support for Cells.
4 168 584 Téléchargements
This is a gem for the rstacruz' nprogress implementation. It's based on version nprogre...
2 905 883 Téléchargements
resque-web 0.0.12
A Rails-based frontend to the Resque job queue system.
2 896 634 Téléchargements
caboose-cms 1.0.2
CMS built on rails with love.
2 765 955 Téléchargements
erd 0.8.2
erd engine on Rails
2 751 101 Téléchargements
s3_direct_upload 0.1.7
Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS and jquery-file-upload
2 403 678 Téléchargements
spree_backend 4.8.4
Admin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform
2 004 688 Téléchargements
spree_frontend 4.8.0
Spree Commerce Storefront built with Rails and Turbo/Hotwire
1 862 435 Téléchargements
font_awesome5_rails 1.5.0
font_awesome5_rails provides Font-Awesome 5 support.
1 636 905 Téléchargements
nested_form_fields 0.8.4
Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...
1 440 541 Téléchargements
intl-tel-input-rails 12.3.0
A jQuery plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers. This g...
1 395 786 Téléchargements
Font Awesome, SASS version, with assets pipeline, for Rails 3.1+
1 327 633 Téléchargements
Gem allows to use `flag-icon-css` - a collection of all country flags in SVG - in your ...
1 084 863 Téléchargements
ammeter 1.1.7
Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators
984 096 Téléchargements
Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It in...
758 654 Téléchargements
foundation-icons-sass-rails 3.0.0
Foundation Icons on Sass for Rails
723 059 Téléchargements
bootstrap-editable-rails 0.0.9
In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap for Rails
692 594 Téléchargements
activeadmin-mongoid 1.0.0
ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
651 164 Téléchargements
recurring_select 3.0.1
This gem provides a useful interface for creating recurring rules for the ice_cube gem.
599 075 Téléchargements
bhf 0.10.17
A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user. Easy ...
588 598 Téléchargements
Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery & zepto
544 105 Téléchargements
refinerycms-core 4.0.3
The core of Refinery CMS. This handles the common functionality and is required by most...
458 377 Téléchargements
swaggard 1.5.1
Generate swagger documentation for your Rails REST API using YARD
452 562 Téléchargements
contour 3.0.1
Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication
433 671 Téléchargements
saucy 0.16.1
Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...
430 962 Téléchargements
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
425 560 Téléchargements
lalala-assets 4.1.0.dev.425
Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world
420 620 Téléchargements