Dépendances inversées pour sass-rails Latest version of the following gems require sass-rails
publish_my_data 1.3.25
The PublishMyData Rails Engine. Create rails apps with Linked Data functionality.
175 681 Téléchargements
fluentd-ui 1.2.1
Web UI for Fluentd
172 457 Téléchargements
inline_styles_mailer 1.0.3
Convenient use of inline_styles gem with Rails 3.1+ and Rails 4
172 375 Téléchargements
effective_assets 1.12.2
Upload images and files directly to AWS S3 with a custom form input then seamlessly org...
172 350 Téléchargements
eac_rails_base0 0.69.0
A Rails base for multiple Rails projects developed by Esquilo Azul Company.
171 893 Téléchargements
minimum_viable_product 0.7.15
Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.
169 237 Téléchargements
sibu 1.0.18
Sibu is an engine for Ruby on Rails that enables creation of static websites in a simpl...
168 820 Téléchargements
pwnstyles_rails 0.2.7
Included CSS was designed for reuse across pwnb.us apps.
166 059 Téléchargements
ab_admin 0.11.0
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
165 990 Téléchargements
educode_sales 1.10.74
Description of EducodeSales.
164 826 Téléchargements
shipit-engine 0.39.0
Application deployment software
163 788 Téléchargements
express_admin 1.8.1
ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by appexpress.io, ExpressBlog, etc.
161 556 Téléchargements
redde 0.4.4
Admin scaffold generator for redde projects
159 484 Téléchargements
prettyphoto-rails 0.2.1
Rails gem for easy prettyPhoto (v3.1.5) integration. See http://www.no-margin-for-error...
156 375 Téléchargements
think_feel_do_engine 3.22.9
Description of ThinkFeelDoEngine.
153 540 Téléchargements
flexa_lib 0.5.2
Helpers, Geradores(de controllers, views, Scaffolds Personalizados) Em Breve DocumentaÃ...
152 372 Téléchargements
web47core 3.2.20
Core components used in all our web products.
150 892 Téléchargements
LINES lets you manage your posts in a clear, consistent frontend. The gracefully slende...
149 992 Téléchargements
carnival 0.3.2
Carnival is an easy-to-use and extensible Rails Engine to speed the development of data...
148 531 Téléchargements
tkh_admin_panel 0.10
Admin panel layout engine
146 750 Téléchargements
rich 1.4.6
Rich is an opinionated WYSIWYG editor for Rails based on CKEditor.
146 712 Téléchargements
umlaut 4.1.7
For Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input
146 439 Téléchargements
leather 3.5.2
Bootstrap tools - UI Kit, Devise Views, and Component Partials
145 314 Téléchargements
s3_file_field 1.3.0
jQuery File Upload extension for direct uploading to Amazon S3 using CORS
145 051 Téléchargements
glyphicons-rails 0.1.3
GLYPHICONS Halflings, extracted from Twitter Bootstrap and customized for use with Sass...
145 013 Téléchargements
message_train 0.7.6
Rails 4 & 5 Engine providing private and public messaging for any object, such as U...
141 969 Téléchargements
faalis 2.2.1
Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...
141 430 Téléchargements
adherent 0.3.13
Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents
140 753 Téléchargements
best_boy 3.5.0
Hybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.
139 474 Téléchargements
casino 4.1.2
CASino is a simple CAS (Central Authentication Service) server.
138 680 Téléchargements