RubyGems Navigation menu

sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

solidus_searchkick 0.3.4

Filters, suggests, autocompletes, sortings, searches

25,860 下載

redmine_plugins_helper 0.15.3

Helper for Redmine plugins

25,665 下載

stop_ie 0.1.5

Stop usage Internet Explorer version 7 and less!

25,505 下載

ominous 0.1.3

Provides a rails app with a way of displaying and controlling warnings to users

25,493 下載

formtastic-plus-flatui 0.0.8

Integration of flat-ui with formtastic with the help of font-awesome, bootstrap and for...

25,409 下載

csp_report 1.0.1

Provide reporting and analysis of your site CSP violations

25,394 下載

flatui-rails 0.0.4

flat-ui for rails

25,341 下載

ecm_downloads 0.0.4

Provides downloads for active admin.

25,235 下載

goldencobra 2.3.4

This is the basic module of Golden Cobra. It offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an article mod...

25,177 下載

rocket_docs 0.0.12

Unintrusive interactive API documentation generator for rails apps

25,170 下載

chatty 0.0.6

Making it easy to set it up a live chat on your website.

25,035 下載

eu_cookies 1.1.2

A Rails solution to the European Cookie Law issue

24,972 下載

compass-rails-source-maps 0.1.0

A small monkeypatch to enable sourcemaps with compass-rails

24,896 下載

beetstrap 0.0.10

Shared Instacart assets.

24,862 下載

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,786 下載

hicube 0.0.11

Simple CMS

24,777 下載


Lightweight do it youself cms

24,689 下載

spree_postal_service 2.4.0

Calculate weight based charges for a Spree order

24,566 下載

user_announcements 0.0.9

Manage and display site-wide announcements by user, scoped by user role.

24,497 下載


A rails engine that lets you mount a job search engine

24,333 下載

spree_zaez_cielo 3.0.10

Adds Cielo as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

24,244 下載

andy_rails_toolbox 1.3.0

Andy Rails Toolbox includes many useful helpers for rails development.

24,124 下載


the secondbureau util gem

23,835 下載

nyanko 0.0.9

Nyanko is a Rails extension tool deeply inspired from Chanko

23,741 下載

ecm_products 2.0.9.pre

Product management for active admin.

23,696 下載

spree_billing_sisow 0.9.2

Spree billing integration for Sisow iDeal/Bancontact/Sofort/Paypal payments

23,459 下載

seed_tray 0.6.0

A small, convention-based library for implementing view specific javascript.

23,257 下載

alchemy-ajax-form 2.1.0

Structure to implement the forms using ajax and management in the backend

23,203 下載

spree_repeat_order 2.2.2

Makes it possible to repeat an existing order with one click

23,132 下載

cg_app_base 1.1.1

Description of CgAppBase.

22,940 下載

總下載次數 251,870,756

這個版本 54,958,394




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
