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sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

odania_core 0.0.8

The Odania Portal is an open source portal system with strong focus on the usage on dif...

20,888 下載

write 0.2.5

Mountable Rails Engine that gives you the ability to add a github-gist-stored blog to y...

20,708 下載

mark_it_zero 0.3.2

Syntax highlighted markdown editor for rails

20,575 下載

todo_rails 0.1.7

Make a simple todo app on your web app with just two line of codes. It is really easy t...

20,507 下載

tokite 0.7.1

Customizable Slack notification from GitHub

20,231 下載

solidus_subscription_boxes 0.0.13

Add subscription box support to Solidus

20,212 下載

alpha-simprini-engine 0.0.4

Comes with some plugins configured and some coffeescript/css/assets preloaded for JOY

20,056 下載

webhooker 0.5.0

Webhook engine for Rails applications implemented as a Rails Engine. Extends rails mode...

19,982 下載

basepack 1.0.1

Basepack for Rails

19,890 下載

ordinary_cms 0.4.2

Description of OrdinaryCms.

19,861 下載

material-icons-rails 0.2.1

Material Icons helper for Rails

19,583 下載

icomoon-rails 0.1.0

IcoMoon is an icon set rendered by css font-face way. This gem integrates IcoMoon with ...

19,582 下載

fuelux-rails-sass 3.14.2

Fuel UX for Rails asset pipeline

19,544 下載

cardboard_cms 0.3.1

Rails CMS made simple

19,415 下載

uikit-sass-rails 1.4.1

Uikit::Sass:Rails is a gem to make it super easy to use UIkit in your Rails project.

19,390 下載

ecm_courses 0.0.1

Couse management module for active admin.

19,388 下載

ecm_courses 0.0.1

Couse management module for active admin.

19,388 下載

blog_basic 0.1.14

blog_basic is a gem which allows you to set up a generic blog which rdoesnøt require an...

19,368 下載

introspective_admin 0.9.0

Set up basic ActiveAdmin screens for an ActiveRecord model.

19,244 下載

spree_admin_roles_and_access 2.0.0

Dynamically defines roles and grants it permissions

19,235 下載

snapuser 0.2.6

A rails engine to add a simple authentification and permission system.

19,174 下載

adminable 0.0.7

Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.

19,052 下載

radesk 1.1.0

Helpdesk on Rails.

19,029 下載

spree-faq 2.4.0

With this gem you get an faq page and the management tools to make it very easy to upda...

19,016 下載

c80_contest 0.1.9

Пришли чек и участвуй в розыгрыше 500 литров бензина

18,799 下載

archangel 0.4.0

Archangel is a Rails CMS

18,795 下載

safeguard-devise 0.0.7

Safeguard Devise module

18,566 下載

i18n_admin_utils 1.1.0

Utils to help manage translation in a rails application. Support simple and active reco...

18,566 下載

manageable 0.1.4

An unobtrusive Rails administration engine

18,551 下載

bootswatch-sass 3.3.7 themes for Rails

18,532 下載

總下載次數 251,877,399

這個版本 54,962,898




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
