RubyGems Navigation menu

sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

ecm_links 0.0.8.pre

Link management for active admin.

16,598 下載

chosen-awesome-rails 1.3.1

Chosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery, integrates with Rails...

16,527 下載

suri_modal 1.0.0

Simple and easy approach to modal views, popups and more.

16,526 下載

slim_breadcrumb 0.0.3

Slim out certain elements of a breadcrumb navigation and show these elements only if th...

16,397 下載

rails_admin_globalize 0.1.1

Rails Admin plugin to manage Globalize translations

16,342 下載

flms 0.9.0

A CMS for web pages that use interactive layers to present animated content.

16,259 下載

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

16,225 下載

spree_terms_and_conditions 2.2.2

Add terms and conditions checkbox in delivery stage of checkout

16,191 下載

yg_spree_delivery_date 1.1.1

Adds a delivery date field in the delivery section of the checkout. Allows admin to vie...

16,145 下載

flexbox_sass_rails 0.3.0

Flexbox style classes

15,884 下載

spree_my_favourites 2.2.7

Adds My Favourites tab to My Account section of the website

15,750 下載

green_flag 0.4.0

A feature-flag system that makes it *really easy* for application developers to add...

15,657 下載


Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

15,474 下載

cd2_tabs 0.2.6

Generates tabs using css

15,323 下載

xrono 1.0.4

Xrono is an asset and time tracking application for consultants and consulting companies.

15,188 下載

heroku_config_vars 1.1.0

Engine to manage Heroku configuration variables from within your application

15,178 下載

cloud-toaster 1.1.6

A tool for automated testing and debugging of automation scripts (e.g., Chef).

15,119 下載

slickgrid-rails 0.3.1

SlickGrid Integration for Rails 3.x

15,107 下載

wysihtml5n-rails 0.0.4

WYSIHTML5-Enhanced is an HTML5 rich text editor based on wysihtml5, with support for im...

15,100 下載

AdminSpace 0.0.3

AdminSpace handle admin namespace for you

15,084 下載

cd2_catton_cms 1.1.35

Manange your pages

14,977 下載

ruby_badger 4.2.3

Get a nice, clean badge displaying your Rails Environment or othe...

14,964 下載

pure-bootstrap-rails 2.3.2

Pure Bootstrap Rails is Ruby gem that makes easy using Bootstrap framework in your rail...

14,936 下載

jquery_textcomplete 0.2.1

JqueryTextcomplete is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling text autocomplete in search fields, ...

14,891 下載

fine_uploader 3.5.0

User-friendly file-uploading experience over the web

14,795 下載

grasshopper_paginate 0.0.6

change based on foundation-will_paginate gem, use foundation style pagination and also ...

14,791 下載


Adds Billet as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

14,717 下載

stroke-seven-rails 1.2.3

I like Stroke 7 fonts. I like the asset pipeline. I like semantic versioning. If you do...

14,661 下載

spree_stock_email 0.0.6

Send an email when a product is in stock.

14,635 下載

spree_braintree_cse 2.1.2

Using CSE will enable your application to acheive PCI certification.

14,633 下載

總下載次數 251,887,438

這個版本 54,969,400




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
