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sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

publish_my_data 1.3.25

The PublishMyData Rails Engine. Create rails apps with Linked Data functionality.

170,580 下載

inline_styles_mailer 1.0.3

Convenient use of inline_styles gem with Rails 3.1+ and Rails 4

170,459 下載

progressive_render 0.7.0

For large or expensive pages, use this gem to load less critical portions of the page. ...

167,797 下載

effective_assets 1.12.2

Upload images and files directly to AWS S3 with a custom form input then seamlessly org...

165,743 下載

ab_admin 0.11.0

Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface

162,664 下載

minimum_viable_product 0.7.15

Built for Developers. Ideal for MVPs, product ideation and validation.

162,541 下載

eac_rails_base0 0.68.7

A Rails base for multiple Rails projects developed by Esquilo Azul Company.

162,325 下載

pwnstyles_rails 0.2.7

Included CSS was designed for reuse across apps.

161,637 下載

sibu 1.0.18

Sibu is an engine for Ruby on Rails that enables creation of static websites in a simpl...

161,240 下載

fluentd-ui 1.2.1

Web UI for Fluentd

159,504 下載

shipit-engine 0.39.0

Application deployment software

157,077 下載

express_admin 1.8.1

ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by, ExpressBlog, etc.

156,169 下載

redde 0.4.4

Admin scaffold generator for redde projects

154,104 下載

prettyphoto-rails 0.2.1

Rails gem for easy prettyPhoto (v3.1.5) integration. See

151,067 下載

flexa_lib 0.5.2

Helpers, Geradores(de controllers, views, Scaffolds Personalizados) Em Breve DocumentaÃ...

148,766 下載

think_feel_do_engine 3.22.9

Description of ThinkFeelDoEngine.

148,249 下載

educode_sales 1.10.74

Description of EducodeSales.

146,871 下載

rich 1.4.6

Rich is an opinionated WYSIWYG editor for Rails based on CKEditor.

144,849 下載


LINES lets you manage your posts in a clear, consistent frontend. The gracefully slende...

144,805 下載

carnival 0.3.2

Carnival is an easy-to-use and extensible Rails Engine to speed the development of data...

143,960 下載

tkh_admin_panel 0.10

Admin panel layout engine

142,548 下載

umlaut 4.1.7

For Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input

141,922 下載

leather 3.5.2

Bootstrap tools - UI Kit, Devise Views, and Component Partials

140,636 下載

web47core 3.2.2

Core components used in all our web products.

139,132 下載

s3_file_field 1.3.0

jQuery File Upload extension for direct uploading to Amazon S3 using CORS

137,923 下載

message_train 0.7.6

Rails 4 & 5 Engine providing private and public messaging for any object, such as U...

137,459 下載

faalis 2.2.1

Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...

136,458 下載

adherent 0.3.13

Ajoute un modèle et des vues pour créer des adhérents

136,419 下載

best_boy 3.5.0

Hybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.

135,731 下載

glyphicons-rails 0.1.3

GLYPHICONS Halflings, extracted from Twitter Bootstrap and customized for use with Sass...

134,813 下載

總下載次數 245,813,187

這個版本 51,227,707



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
