RubyGems Navigation menu

sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

virgo 0.3.17

Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails

93,325 下載

jquery-selectbox 0.2.1

Custom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI source

92,709 下載

uploadbox 0.2.0

Uploadbox makes easy to manage files in your Rails application.

92,229 下載


The best Ionicons gem made for Ruby on Rails and with helpers for better use.

92,183 下載

sections_rails 0.11.0

Sections_rails adds infrastructure to the view layer of Ruby on Rails. It allows to def...

91,808 下載

fuel 0.4.10

Fuel's goal is to be a simple yet customizable blogging gem.

91,767 下載

wbase 0.3.20

Views, Auth, Subscription, Static Pages for SAAS

91,135 下載


Description of EspAuth.

90,926 下載

documentation-editor 0.12.3

The goal of this project is to provide an easy & frictionless way to edit an online...

90,392 下載

roroacms 1.0.0

A full Ruby On Rails CMS engine that is built soley for the purpose of extensibility

89,932 下載

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

89,497 下載

publinator 0.0.35

Engine for publishing multiple sites from a centralized hub.

89,429 下載

chr 0.5.8

Character is a library written in CoffeeScript with a help of jQuery that allows to bui...

88,681 下載

jobshop 0.0.179

An Open Source Manufacturing Execution System

88,598 下載

rao-shoulda_matchers 0.0.52.pre

Additional shoulda matchers for Ruby on Rails.

86,959 下載

locomotivecms 4.1.1

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

86,750 下載

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

81,581 下載

incline 0.3.14

A gem designed to get off to an even quicker start with Rails.

81,540 下載

shoppe 1.1.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

81,498 下載

ecm_pictures 0.0.21

Provides picture galleries for active admin.

80,075 下載

ifd_tools 0.3.3

Emergency messaging, application updates, notifier updates, user management & base Acti...

79,865 下載

speedo 0.4.1

This is a layout gem intended as a backdrop for developing rails applications quickly. ...

79,320 下載

actionverb_s3_direct_upload 0.0.14

Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS and jquery-file-upload

79,086 下載

bookingsync_portal 3.0.0

A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications.

78,557 下載

polygallery 0.4.8

Polymorphic galleries made simple.

78,491 下載

lotus_admin 1.6.0

Bootstrap 3 Material Design Simple Admin Interface.

77,086 下載

shopify-gold 6.0.1

Gold is Helium's approach to billing for Shopify apps. It provides a framework to build...

76,994 下載

mxit-rails 0.4.3

A gem that includes a simple and opinionated templating framework for Rails-based Mxit ...

76,533 下載

biola_frontend_toolkit 0.6.4

this is a description

75,821 下載

chardinjs-rails 0.1.3

Simple overlay instructions for your apps.

75,098 下載

總下載次數 246,051,237

這個版本 51,377,766



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
