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sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

compendium 1.2.2

Ruby on Rails reporting framework

55,430 下載

formtastic-plus-bootstrap 1.1.7

formtastic-plus-bootstrap makes a formtastic form to look like a bootstrap form.

55,305 下載

houston-core 0.9.2

Mission Control for your projects and teams

55,175 下載

xhive 1.6.7

Simple Rails AJAX CMS

55,117 下載

frontend-helpers 0.1.3

Large collection of useful Rails 3.1 helpers for SEO, Metatags, Facebook OG tags, integ...

54,962 下載

tipsy-rails 1.0.5

This gem provides the Tipsy jQuery plugin for your Rails 3.1 application.

54,734 下載

abtest 2.0.0

Rails based AB test framework

52,465 下載

blogo 0.1.4

Mountable blog engine for Ruby on Rails. It allows you to quickly add a featured blog t...

51,950 下載


A collection of mixins to make your Sass code look more semantic

51,930 下載

dbhero 1.1.12

Based on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset

51,131 下載

ad2games-ui_components 2.4.2

UI components for ad2games projects

50,528 下載

johnhenry 1.0.22

Launch a landing page on Heroku in less than 10 minutes with JohnHenry. This gem se...

50,179 下載

voluntary 0.7.1

#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:

50,110 下載

csv_import_magic 0.0.11

Engine for import CSV dynamically by model

50,016 下載

static_blocks 1.2.1

Create static blocks of content. Place them anywhere in your views.

49,447 下載

retter 0.2.5

Flyweight diary workflow. ruby-1.9.2 or later is required.

49,207 下載

spree_mollie_gateway 4.0.1

Mollie payment gateway for Spree Commerce.

49,095 下載

test_server 0.5.2

Test server for proxies

48,691 下載

monologue 0.5.0

Monologue is a basic blogging engine. It is a Rails mountable engine so it can be mount...

48,579 下載

errdo 0.12.14

A simple plugin to handle, log, and customize production errors

48,346 下載

express_ui 0.5.2

User interface library for AppExpress components (

48,255 下載

acts_as_published 1.1.0

Acts as published beahviour for active record models.

48,011 下載

boilerman 0.1.2

A tool used to help with testing/auditing the security of a Rails application.

47,801 下載

redditor 0.1.22

Advanced page editor from redde

47,791 下載

activeadmin_draggable 0.1.0

Active admin sortable add on

47,396 下載

spree_quick_cart 2.2.3

Adds js quick add to cart button to product catalogue

47,377 下載

yousty-activeadmin 1.0.17.pre

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

47,113 下載

mechanize_store 0.0.19

With mechanize store you will have Product, ProductPhoto, ProductCategory, Order, Order...

47,086 下載

bootstrap-view-helpers 0.0.14

Produce Bootstrap html with semantic helper methods.

46,140 下載

gxapi_rails 0.1.0

Google Analytics and integration

46,011 下載

總下載次數 246,370,189

這個版本 51,571,484



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
