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sass-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass-rails

spree_gtm 0.0.22

some gem description here

38,359 下載

isaca-rails 0.5.4

Description of Isaca::Rails.

38,046 下載

fooltip 0.0.13

Fooltip - when a tooltip just isn't enough.

38,001 下載

sw2at-ui 0.0.16

Control your tests, run them parallel. Check statuses of your revisions online. Share r...

37,988 下載

intl_phone_picker 1.1.1

IntlPhonePicker is a ruby gem which allow you to change your html5 "tel" fields into jQ...

37,819 下載

comable_frontend 0.5.0

Provide frontend functions for Comable.

37,688 下載

nodes 0.2.8

Lightweight editor of text nodes

37,636 下載

ucb_rails 0.0.14

Jumpstart a UCB Rails application.

37,633 下載

kono_utils 1.1.4

Gemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...

37,443 下載

woo 0.2.0

A mountable styleguide to drive your development

37,389 下載

formulate 0.1.0

Rails form builder with flexible markup and styles.

37,220 下載

comable_backend 0.5.0

Provide backend functions for Comable.

37,144 下載

browser_warrior 0.14.0

BrowserWarrior is a Ruby on Rails engine that let you reject your non-modern browser us...

36,597 下載

community_engine 3.2.0

CommunityEngine is a free, open-source social network platform for Ruby on Rails applic...

36,285 下載

config_manager 1.0.4

Manage your application-level configuration

36,247 下載

bootflat-rails 0.2.1

Use Bootflat (a flat adaptation of Bootstrap on Rails)

36,050 下載

binda 0.1.11

A modular CMS for Ruby on Rails 5 with an intuitive out-of-the-box interface to manage ...

35,704 下載

documentation 1.0.9

It does cool stuff!

35,677 下載

rails-sweetalert2-confirm 0.9.10

Replace rail's built in link_to/submit/button with confirmations with SweetAlert2 confi...

35,577 下載

joyride-rails 0.0.14

Easy jQuery feature tours, based on ZURB's Joyride plugin (

35,562 下載

fancybox 0.0.20

Fancybox 2 for Rails

35,365 下載

esp-ckeditor 0.1.7


35,339 下載

snitch_reporting 1.2.8

Tracks errors using middleware and provides an interface in order to view and track the...

35,041 下載

amp-html 1.2.1

amp-html is a universal solution to integrate the AMP Project (Accelerated Mobile Pages...

34,978 下載


34,717 下載

jquery-textcomplete-rails 0.1.5

Provides jQuery Textcomplete for Rails Asset Pipeline

34,627 下載

helena_administration 1.0.3

Helena Administration is a simple rails application that provides a user interface to m...

34,618 下載

minions_rails 0.0.8

minions.css for Rails

34,601 下載


SASS version of the CSS toolkit from Twitter for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.

34,504 下載

social_networking 0.13.3

Social networking components, including the feed tool

34,494 下載

總下載次數 251,866,849

這個版本 54,955,781




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
