RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sass La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sass

sprockets 4.2.1

Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

449.419.068 Descargas

sprockets-rails 3.4.2

Sprockets Rails integration

400.136.268 Descargas

haml 6.3.0

An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine.

144.529.214 Descargas

compass 1.0.3

Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintena...

43.671.170 Descargas

compass-import-once 1.0.5

Changes the behavior of Sass's @import directive to only import a file once.

31.159.381 Descargas

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

30.748.280 Descargas

hamlit 3.0.3

High Performance Haml Implementation

30.748.280 Descargas

compass-core 1.0.3

The Compass core stylesheet library and minimum required ruby extensions. This library ...

29.992.946 Descargas

bourbon 7.3.0

Bourbon is a library of pure Sass mixins and functions that are designed to make yo...

24.201.796 Descargas

scss_lint 0.60.0

Configurable tool for writing clean and consistent SCSS

19.692.275 Descargas

mailcatcher 0.9.0

MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...

7.809.345 Descargas


Foundation on Sass/Compass

6.907.663 Descargas

faye 1.4.0

Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

4.906.969 Descargas

sprockets-sass 1.3.1

When using Sprockets 2.0 with Sass you will eventually run into a pretty big issue. `//...

3.480.561 Descargas

susy 2.2.14

Susy is a toolkit for building layouts of all types with a simple, natural syntax.

2.892.918 Descargas

scss-lint 0.38.0

MOVED: See `scss_lint` (with an underscore) for up-to-date project

2.890.797 Descargas


This is a gem for the rstacruz' nprogress implementation. It's based on version nprogre...

2.742.257 Descargas

mousetrap-rails 1.4.6

Mousetrap is a javascript library for handling keyboard shortcuts in your web applicati...

2.405.900 Descargas

zurb-foundation 4.3.2

ZURB Foundation on Sass/Compass

2.138.227 Descargas

breakpoint 2.7.1

Really simple media queries in Sass

1.943.793 Descargas

rails-backbone 1.2.0

Quickly setup backbone.js for use with rails 3.1 and above apps. Generators are provide...

1.509.612 Descargas

sassy-maps 0.4.0

Map helper functions for Sass 3.3 Maps including get-deep and set/set-deep

1.487.784 Descargas

sass-globbing 1.1.5

Allows use of globs in Sass @import directives.

1.351.509 Descargas

true 2.2.2

Unit tests for maintaining test-driven Sass libraries.

1.180.648 Descargas

resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0

Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...

1.087.788 Descargas


This gem provides jquery-cookie assets for your Rails 3 application.

1.049.375 Descargas

jsduck 5.3.4

Documentation generator for Sencha JS frameworks

1.045.052 Descargas

bitters 2.0.4

Bitters helps designers start projects faster by defining a basic set of Sass varia...

887.598 Descargas

RubyApp 0.7.16

A mobile web application framework in Ruby

851.322 Descargas

toolkit 2.10.2

Toolkit full of bits and bobs of awesome aimed at assisting in advanced styling with Sass

702.137 Descargas

Total de descargas 323.946.909

Para esta versión 72.802.460



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
