Dépendances inversées pour savon Latest version of the following gems require savon
netsuite 0.9.3
NetSuite SuiteTalk API Wrapper
1 951 718 Téléchargements
soapforce 0.8.0
A ruby client for the Salesforce SOAP API based on Savon.
1 280 404 Téléchargements
fuelsdk 0.1.11
Fuel SDK for Ruby
1 006 557 Téléchargements
nfe-paulistana 1.0.5
Gema para utilização do Webservice da Nf Paulistana
921 593 Téléchargements
active_zuora 2.6.0
ActiveZuora - Zuora API based on ActiveModel and auto-generated from your zuora.wsdl.
887 736 Téléchargements
savon-multipart 2.1.2
Adds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon
464 449 Téléchargements
oddb2xml 2.9.5
oddb2xml creates xml files using swissINDEX, BAG-XML and Swissmedic.
424 104 Téléchargements
akamai_api 1.2.0
Ruby toolkit to work with Akamai Content Control Utility API
385 512 Téléchargements
pwn 0.5.214
374 575 Téléchargements
savon_model 1.2.0
Model for SOAP service oriented applications
374 327 Téléchargements
nps_sdk 1.3.0
Ruby SDK for NPS Services
370 930 Téléchargements
tax_cloud 0.6.0
Calculate sales tax using the TaxCloud.net API
361 700 Téléchargements
marketingcloudsdk 1.0.0
API wrapper for SOAP and REST API with Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)
298 227 Téléchargements
washout_builder 2.0.5
WashOut Soap Service HTML-Documentation generator (extends WashOut https://github.com/i...
276 259 Téléchargements
qbwc 1.1.0
A Rails interface for Intuit's Quickbooks Web Connector that's OPEN SOURCE!
254 758 Téléchargements
soaspec 0.3.11
Helps to create tests for 'SOAP' or 'REST' apis. Easily represent multiple requests wit...
246 861 Téléchargements
Afip 1.5.6
Gema para la comunicacion con los Web Services de AFIP.
237 298 Téléchargements
trackerific 0.8.0
Package tracking made easy. Currently supported services include FedEx, UPS, and USPS.
221 958 Téléchargements
Avatax_TaxService 2.0.2
Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.
221 386 Téléchargements
deltavista_crif_dva_interface 1.0.8
This interface is used to get credit check, address informations and collection checks ...
221 182 Téléchargements
sfmc-fuelsdk-ruby 1.3.1
API wrapper for SOAP and REST API with Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)
192 825 Téléchargements
bronto 0.3.4
A Ruby wrapper for the Bronto SOAP API
175 713 Téléchargements
brpm_content_framework 0.2.65
The BRPM Content Framework is a lightweight framework that allows to run automation log...
173 902 Téléchargements
baidu 2.0.11
Baidu Services Pack,including SEM, Map, Ranking and the others
158 098 Téléchargements
egov_utils 1.4.5
We hope it will help create better systems for all the eGoverment. In Czech Republic an...
155 403 Téléchargements
peoplegroup-connectors 1.0.5
Avoid repeating methods in different projects for our connectos.
152 370 Téléchargements
creditsafe 0.7.0
Ruby client for the Creditsafe SOAP API
140 041 Téléchargements
zanders 5.0.6
Ruby library for Zanders
129 528 Téléchargements
hybrid_platforms_conductor 33.9.5
Provides a complete toolset to help DevOps maintain, deploy, monitor and test multiple ...
120 737 Téléchargements
savon_spec 1.3.0
Savon testing library
120 323 Téléchargements