schash 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 schash
itamae 1.14.1
Simple Configuration Management Tool
1,150,022 下載
itamae-mitsurin 1.0.3
Customized version of Itamae and Itamae plugin. configuration management tool like chef...
144,706 下載
gelf2kafka 0.1.3
Gelf deamon what sends events to kafka
134,254 下載
tailf2kafka 0.1.9
Watch and tail files with specified time based patterns and push them to kafka
24,072 下載
tailf2norikra 0.0.2
Watch and tail files with specified time based patterns and push them to norikra
5,160 下載
appifier 0.3.0
Appifier : Applications templating and management tools
3,122 下載