schmooze 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 schmooze
sprockets-commoner 0.6.5
Sprockets::Commoner uses Node.JS to compile ES2015+ files to ES5 using Babel directly f...
1,182,238 下載
japanese_address_parser 3.2.0
JapaneseAddressParser is a Ruby gem that parses Japanese address. To detect the address...
120,658 下載
sprockets-bumble_d 2.2.0
This gem provides a plugin for Sprockets to transpile modern javascript using Babel...
81,395 下載
babel-schmooze-sprockets 0.1.3
Add Babel support to sprockets using Schmooze.
19,711 下載
noft 1.0.2
A tool to extract svg icons from icon fonts and generate helpers to render the icons.
13,792 下載
theia 0.1.0
A Ruby gem to create, compress, compare PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium
4,370 下載