scrivito 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 scrivito
scrivito-compatible interface for Infopark CMS Fiona 7
107,735 下載
scrivito_slick_slider_widget 0.90.4
Scrivito Widget for a bootstrap-style Slick Slider.
57,083 下載
This Widget allows you to use a two-column layout and fill it with widgets.
52,967 下載
scrivito_section_widgets 1.1.2
Add sections to yout page
52,471 下載
scrivito_three_column_widget 1.0.3
This Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
51,139 下載
scrivito_table_widget 0.7.5
Scrivito Widget for a table.
48,841 下載
scrivito_elastic_slider_widget 0.93.3
Allows inserting an Elastic Slider with image panels and text.
38,768 下載
scrivito_pdf_widget 1.1.2
Displays a PDF using PDF js to show it on your page.
38,611 下載
scrivito_crm_form_widget 0.7.2
A widget for Scrivito to show a form using Infopark CRM api v2.0.
35,716 下載
scrivito_accordion_widget 1.2.1
Scrivito Accordion Widget.
34,064 下載
scrivito_space_widget 1.4.0
Scrivito Widget for a spacing between Widgets.
32,402 下載
scrivito_video_widget 1.0.14
Scrivito video Widget.
31,559 下載
scrivito_tabbed_content_widget 0.90.3
This Widget gives you tabbed content boxes that can be filled with widgets.
28,336 下載
scrivito_highlightjs_widget 1.0.8
Scrivito Widget using highlightjs
21,682 下載
scrivito_linklist_widget 1.1.3
Widget to show a link list as list with text or css class.
18,962 下載
scrivito_flickr_widget 1.2.1
Scrivito Widget using flickr API
18,545 下載
scrivito_codemirror_editor 1.1.0
Make CodeMirror available as a Scrivito editor
17,043 下載
scrivito_twitter_widget 0.1.0
A widget for scrivito to create a twitter stream.
14,815 下載
scrivito_timeline_widget 0.90.2
A widget for scrivito to create a timeline.
12,557 下載
scrivito_tabs_in_details 0.0.2
This gem provides a template helper for creating simple tabs in details dialogs in Scri...
12,419 下載
scrivito_facebook_widget 0.0.5
A widget for scrivito to create a facebook stream.
11,105 下載
scrivito-medium-editor 0.0.6
This gem integrates the WYSIWYG JavaScript editor MediumEditor in Scrivito UI
10,664 下載
scrivito_teaser_widget 0.1.2
Scrivito Widget for a teaser with text, image and call to action.
10,387 下載
scrivito_minicolors_editor 0.0.1
This gem integrates the JavaScript colopicker Minicolors in Scrivito CMS.
8,138 下載
scrivito_rich_snippet_widget 0.1.4
Add a rich snippet to your page
8,068 下載
scrivito_qzzr_widget 0.3
Scrivito Widget for embedded Qzzer quizzes
7,775 下載
scrivito_picture_widget 0.1.1
A responsive image widget for scrivito using the picture tag
5,009 下載
scrivito_column_widget 0.1.2
Scrivito Column Widget.
4,782 下載
scrivito_three_columns 0.0.1
This Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
3,345 下載
scrivito_text_image_widget 0.1.0
Scrivito Widget to add a text image widget with editable floating, image description an...
3,300 下載