serve 0.9.8
Serve is a small Ruby script that makes it easy to start up a WEBrick server in any directory. Serve is ideal for HTML prototyping and simple file sharing. If the haml, redcloth, and bluecloth gems are installed serve can handle Haml, Sass, Textile, and Markdown (in addition to HTML).
- 1.5.2 February 23, 2013 (71.0 KB)
- 1.5.1 July 14, 2011 (69.5 KB)
- 1.5.0 July 12, 2011 (69.5 KB)
- 1.5.0.pre5 July 11, 2011 (27.5 KB)
- 1.5.0.pre4 July 06, 2011 (31.5 KB)
- 0.9.8 July 18, 2008* (29.0 KB)
Development 相依性套件 (1):
>= 1.7.0