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setup 5.2.0

Every Rubyist is aware of Minero Aoki's ever useful setup.rb script. It's how most of us used to install our Ruby programs before RubyGems came along. And it's still mighty useful in certain scenarios, not the least of which is the job of the distribution package managers. While still providing the usual setup.rb script that one can distribute with a project, Setup also works as a stand-alone application. Instead of distributing setup.rb with a package, just instruct your users to install Ruby Setup and use it instead.




  1. 5.2.0 December 21, 2012 (43.5 KB)
  2. 5.1.0 March 20, 2012 (56 KB)
  3. 5.0.1 February 07, 2010 (44.5 KB)
  4. 5.0.0 January 13, 2010 (43.5 KB)
  5. 4.2.0 September 24, 2009 (28.5 KB)
Show all versions (7 total)

Development Dependencies (3):

ae >= 0
cucumber >= 0
detroit >= 0



  • 7rans, Minero Aoki

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 92,468

For this version 68,791

Version Released:


BSD-2-Clause, LGPL-2.0+

Required Ruby Version: None
