Dépendances inversées pour shrine-memory Latest version of the following gems require shrine-memory
uppy-s3_multipart 1.2.1
Provides a Rack application that implements endpoints for the AwsS3Multipart Uppy plugin.
993 329 Téléchargements
lanes 0.8.3
Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
56 690 Téléchargements
shrine-reform 0.1.4
Provides Reform integration for Shrine.
42 754 Téléchargements
hippo-fw 0.9.9
Hippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
16 947 Téléchargements
hippo-fw 0.9.9
Hippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
16 947 Téléchargements
shrine-content_addressable 0.4.0
Generate a content addressable location for shrine uploads
9 005 Téléchargements
shrine-configurable_storage 0.1.2
Register Shrine storages using a key and lazy configure that storage later.
6 031 Téléchargements