RubyGems Navigation menu

simple_oauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simple_oauth

twitter 8.1.0

A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.

24,496,118 下載

desk_api 0.6.2

This is a lightweight, flexible ruby gem to interact with the APIv2. It al...

4,498,851 下載

ims-lti 2.3.5

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

3,938,907 下載

twitter-stream 0.1.16

Simple Ruby client library for twitter streaming API. Uses EventMachine for connection ...

1,427,658 下載

yelp 2.1.5

Provides an easy way to interact with the Yelp API in any kind of application

906,260 下載

youtube_it 2.4.2

Upload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all from one gem.

467,203 下載

tumblr_client 0.8.5

A Ruby wrapper for the Tumblr v2 API

434,681 下載

desk 1.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for the REST API

412,062 下載

tweetkit 0.2.0

WIP: Tweetkit is an Octokit-inspired Ruby wrapper for Twitter's V2 API

221,133 下載

em-twitter 0.3.5

Twitter Streaming API client for EventMachine

198,176 下載

kronk 1.9.6

Kronk is a command line swiss-army-knife for HTTP services. With Kronk, you easily par...

162,509 下載

actv 2.10.9

A Ruby wrapper for the Active API

153,605 下載

contextio 2.0.0

Provides Ruby interface to Context.IO

148,580 下載

bitbucket_rest_api 0.1.7

Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication

146,137 下載

flickrie 1.6.1

This gem wraps the Flickr API with a nice object-oriented interface.

132,297 下載

weary 1.1.3

A framework and DSL to construct Ruby clients to RESTful web services.

121,428 下載

oneroster 2.3.22

Wrapper for the OneRoster API.

82,140 下載

assistly 0.2.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Assistly REST API

65,808 下載

dock_test 0.4.8

an outside-in service api test framework.

64,232 下載

cliskip2 0.0.14

A Ruby wrapper for the SKIP2 REST APIs

50,793 下載

tinybucket 1.6.0

ruby wrapper for the Bitbucket REST API (v2) with oauth inspired by vongrippen/bitbucket.

49,098 下載

flickr-objects 0.6.3

This gem is an object-oriented wrapper for the Flickr API.

47,369 下載

wp-api-client 0.3.0

A read-only client for the WordPress REST API (v2).

45,625 下載

fellowshipone 4.0.0

Ruby gem/plugin to interact with the FellowshipOne API (https://developer.fellowshipone...

45,047 下載

tumblr_wrapper 0.4.2

ruby wrapper for tumblr api

44,489 下載

abiquo-api 0.1.3

Simple Abiquo API client

42,289 下載

contextio-lite 0.0.4

Short implementation of a client rest API for the Context.IO Lite API

41,544 下載

weeter 0.19.4

Weeter subscribes to a set of twitter users or search terms using Twitter's streaming A...

36,671 下載

echowrap 0.2.0

A Ruby interface to the Echonest API, details can be found at

33,004 下載

immobilienscout24 0.1.10

A Ruby wrapper for the Immobilienscout24 REST API

29,441 下載

總下載次數 37,764,952

這個版本 31,840,949




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
