RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-lcovの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はsimplecov-lcovを必要としています

miteru 2.3.0

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

85,894 ダウンロード数

acts_as_hashids 0.2.0

Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly.

85,530 ダウンロード数

chaltron 2.0.3

A ready-to-go application with authentication, authorization, logging... with bootstrap...

83,882 ダウンロード数

urbanopt-core 0.11.0

URBANopt core library and measures

83,658 ダウンロード数

urbanopt-geojson 0.11.1

Library and measures to translate URBANopt GeoJSON format to OpenStudio

83,180 ダウンロード数

puts_debuggerer 0.13.5

Debuggers are great! They help us troubleshoot complicated programming problems by insp...

80,856 ダウンロード数

urbanopt-reporting 0.10.0

Library include scenario default reporting measure and scenario defaults reports schema...

74,522 ダウンロード数

glimmer-dsl-tk 0.0.63

Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library) - Ruby DSL for Tcl/Tk with...

70,539 ダウンロード数

password_blocklist 0.5.0

A simple Ruby library to check if a given string is present in a blocklist of commo...

70,527 ダウンロード数

webhook_system 2.4.1

A pluggable webhook subscription system

70,215 ダウンロード数

polist 1.4.0

Polist is a gem for creating simple service classes and more.

65,124 ダウンロード数

computed_model 0.3.0

ComputedModel is a helper for building a read-only model (sometimes called a view) from...

60,178 ダウンロード数

git_curate 2.0.0

Step through local git branches from the command line, keeping or deleting each.

57,358 ダウンロード数

active_record-events 4.1.2

An ActiveRecord extension providing convenience methods for timestamp management.

56,878 ダウンロード数

ledger_sync-netsuite 0.6.2

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

55,370 ダウンロード数

pathway 0.12.0

Define your business logic in simple steps.

54,507 ダウンロード数

cuke_cataloger 2.0.0

Scans existing Cucumber tests and updates them to include an id tag that is unique for ...

51,137 ダウンロード数

spina-conferences-primer_theme 0.5.2

Frontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.

49,001 ダウンロード数

jcw 0.5.1

Wrapper for the gem 'jaeger-client' with simpler customization.

47,144 ダウンロード数

sigep_web 1.0.1

This gem provide a easy way to integrate an application to Correios Sigep Web API

45,002 ダウンロード数

urbanopt-scenario 0.12.0

Library to export data point OSW files from URBANopt Scenario CSV

42,452 ダウンロード数

circlemator 0.6.0

A few utilities for CircleCI to improve your CI workflow.

38,812 ダウンロード数

urbanopt-reopt 0.12.0

Classes and measures for utilizing the REopt API within OpenStudio workflows.

37,613 ダウンロード数

abyme 0.7.0

abyme is the modern way to handle dynamic nested forms in Rails 6+.

32,392 ダウンロード数

ledger_sync-quickbooks_online 1.0.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

32,340 ダウンロード数

array_include_methods 1.5.1

Array#include_all?, Array#include_any?, Array#include_array?, Array#array_index, Array#...

31,581 ダウンロード数

factorio-mod 0.8.0

Get the info of Factorio's MOD.

31,028 ダウンロード数

hachi 2.0.0

A dead simple TheHive API wrapper.

29,155 ダウンロード数

croods 0.4.0

A framework for creating CRUDs in Rails APIs

29,077 ダウンロード数

action_controller_tweaks 0.3.6

ActionController is great, but could be better. Here are some tweaks for it.

29,052 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 22,169,600

このバージョンのみ 20,769,315



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
