simplecov-lcov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simplecov-lcov
wpscan 3.8.28
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.
729,104 下載
bake-toolkit 2.72.0
See documentation for more details
695,272 下載
candy_check 0.6.0
Check and verify in-app receipts
676,608 下載
tabulo 3.0.3
Plain text table generator with a column-based API
559,584 下載
cuke_slicer 3.0.0
Slices a Cucumber test suite into the smallest possible executable pieces (i.e. scenari...
531,088 下載
cuke_linter 1.3.0
This gem provides linters for detecting common 'smells' in `.feature` files. In additio...
485,689 下載
quality 40.0.1
Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
479,595 下載
ably 1.2.7
A Ruby client library for realtime messaging
474,647 下載
mail-notify 2.0.0
Rails plugin, send and preview email with GOV.UK Notify
456,892 下載
spyke 7.2.2
Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
401,430 下載
lokalise_manager 6.2.0
This gem contains a collection of some common tasks for Lokalise. Specifically, it allo...
388,234 下載
ams_lazy_relationships 0.4.0
ActiveModel Serializers addon for eliminating N+1 queries problem from the serializers.
335,790 下載
Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Framework) is ...
327,480 下載
jekyll-diagrams 0.10.0
A Jekyll plugin with support for Blockdiag, Erd, GraphViz, Mermaid, Nomnoml, PlantUML, ...
314,172 下載
chanko 3.0.0
Chanko is a Rails extension tool
240,141 下載
activerecord-like 7.0.1
An ActiveRecord plugin providing a higher-level abstraction for SQL 'LIKE' queries
239,881 下載
rubyzip-bzip2 1.0.0
The rubyzip-bzip2 gem provides an extension of the rubyzip gem for reading zip files co...
234,908 下載
rspec-timecop 0.4.0
Provides helper methods for using Timecop in RSpec examples.
230,352 下載
pronto-undercover 0.2.0
Pronto runner for Undercover - actionable code coverage
227,980 下載
dispatch-rider 2.2.0
Messaging system based on the reactor pattern. You can publish messages to a queue...
221,822 下載
ruby_native_statistics 1.1.1
High performance, native (C) implementations of various statistical functions.
211,778 下載
glimmer 2.8.0
Glimmer is a Ruby DSL Framework for Ruby GUI and More, consisting of a DSL Engine and a...
209,568 下載
mihari 8.1.0
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
198,289 下載
glimmer-dsl-libui 0.12.7
Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Fukuoka Award Winning Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development...
174,871 下載
bigfiles 0.3.0
Finds largest source files in a project
167,587 下載
schema_dev 4.2.0
SchemaPlus development tools
143,641 下載
password_blocklist 0.5.0
A simple Ruby library to check if a given string is present in a blocklist of commo...
142,613 下載
urbanopt-geojson 1.0.1
Library and measures to translate URBANopt GeoJSON format to OpenStudio
113,773 下載
urbanopt-core 1.0.0
URBANopt core library and measures
112,436 下載
ledger_sync 3.0.0
LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...
104,120 下載