simplecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simplecov
cuke_modeler 3.23.0
This gem facilitates modeling a test suite that is written in Gherkin (e.g. Cucumber, S...
6,812,870 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-grape 0.2.0
Grape instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,800,120 下載
goldiloader 5.4.0
Automatically eager loads Rails associations as associations are traversed
6,792,554 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_model_serializers 0.20.2
Active Model Serializers instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,569,976 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra 0.24.1
Sinatra instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,509,899 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-bunny 0.21.4
Bunny instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,475,865 下載
syslogger 1.6.6
Same as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the po...
6,407,940 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-mongo 0.22.4
Mongo instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,376,848 下載
hashid-rails 1.4.1
This gem allows you to easily use [Hashids]( in your Rails...
6,363,480 下載
houston 2.4.0
Houston is a simple gem for sending Apple Push Notifications. Pass your credentials, co...
6,342,196 下載
aes 0.5.1
An AES encrypt/decrypt gem built ontop of OpenSSL. Not as quick as FastAES, but it doe...
6,321,716 下載
faraday-mashify 0.1.1
Faraday middleware for wrapping responses into Hashie::Mash.
6,299,387 下載
redis-session-store 0.11.6
A drop-in replacement for e.g. MemCacheStore to store Rails sessions (and Rails session...
6,278,890 下載
gitlab-qa 14.21.0
Integration tests for GitLab
6,252,514 下載
jwe 0.4.0
A Ruby implementation of the RFC 7516 JSON Web Encryption (JWE) standard
6,178,685 下載
omniauth-linkedin-oauth2 1.0.1
A LinkedIn OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.
6,123,138 下載
easypost 6.4.1
Client library for accessing the EasyPost shipping API via Ruby.
6,113,962 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-all 0.68.0
All-in-one instrumentation bundle for the OpenTelemetry framework
6,072,506 下載
next_rails 1.4.2
A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date
6,046,938 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-koala 0.20.5
Koala instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
5,997,880 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-lmdb 0.22.3
LMDB instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
5,988,189 下載
grease 0.3.2
Grease provides an adapter to use Tilt as extension of Sprockets 3 or later.
5,958,651 下載
opentelemetry-instrumentation-que 0.8.4
Que instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
5,953,488 下載
equivalent-xml 0.6.0
Compares two XML Nodes (Documents, etc.) for certain semantic equivalencies. Curre...
5,874,644 下載
librarian-puppet 5.0.0
Simplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...
5,719,251 下載
activerecord-compatible_legacy_migration 0.1.2
Compatible migration file between Rails 4.2 and 5+
5,706,123 下載
capybara-selenium 0.0.6
Dead-simple way to make Capybara and Selenium play together
5,581,101 下載
acts_as_votable 0.14.0
Rails gem to allowing records to be votable
5,567,802 下載
fastlane-plugin-versioning_android 0.1.1
Android Versioning Plugin for Fastlane
5,524,764 下載
sorcery 0.17.0
Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...
5,506,273 下載