sinatra-contrib 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sinatra-contrib
oxidized-web 0.16.0
puma+sinatra+haml webUI + REST API for oxidized
173,214 下载
gaptool-server 0.8.5
gaptool-server for managing cloud resources
170,155 下载
nimbu 0.13.2
Client library and command-line tool to design and manage websites on the Nimbu platform.
168,527 下载
rubypitaya 3.19.6
RubyPitaya is an application to create servers using the pitaya protocol.
154,189 下载
norikra 1.5.1
Norikra is a open source server software provides "Schema-les Stream Processing" with S...
153,271 下载
genghisapp 2.3.11
Genghis is a single-file MongoDB admin app, made entirely out of awesome.
144,894 下载
canvas-jobs 0.11.0
Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
144,105 下载
farmstead 0.0.87
Farmstead is a modular data pipeline platform. Farmstead makes creating and deploying a...
142,697 下载
berlin-ai 0.0.39
Berlin Artificial Intelligence
139,187 下载
redmon 0.0.13
Redis Admin interface and monitor.
136,574 下载
sinatra-cometio 0.6.0
Comet component for Sinatra RocketIO
127,661 下载
smartkiosk-client 0.2.1
Smartkiosk client application
122,450 下载
sinatra-config-file 1.0
Dummy gem, sinatra-config-file is now part of sinatra-contrib:
113,954 下载
faastruby 0.5.30
FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at
109,550 下载
carte-server 1.0.11
something like dictionary, wiki, or information card
102,319 下载
sinatra-websocketio 0.4.1
WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO
97,451 下载
upfluence-utils 0.12.14
Upfluence common utils for Ruby projects
95,001 下载
perus 1.0.7
Simple system overview server
92,574 下载
local_pac 0.10.2
This gem helps you to serve proxy.pacs locallly
92,188 下载
mumuki-bibliotheca 9.23.0
API for editing content on mumuki
88,130 下载
togostanza 2.2.2
Development tools of TogoStanza
85,127 下载
marfa 0.10.2
Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects
84,144 下载
osso 0.1.2
This gem includes the main functionality for Osso apps,
77,488 下载
PlatformX Gem for PlatformX
77,185 下载
service_contract 0.6.0
Abstract the definition of a service's interface contract. Supports Avro
71,321 下载
snails 0.9.0
Ruby on Snails.
69,578 下载
almanack 1.3.1
Combined events calendar for Google Calendar, iCal, and friends.
69,051 下载
adyen-skinbuilder 0.4.3
Provides helpful command line tools to run sinatra server and bundle adyen skin files
69,044 下载
chimera_http_client 1.6.0
The Chimera http client offers an easy to learn interface and consistent error handling...
67,492 下载
haveapi 0.26.0
Framework for creating self-describing APIs
67,267 下载