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site_prism 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 site_prism

site_prism-all_there 3.0.4

SitePrism AllThere allows you to recursively query page and section structures on your ...

12,455,523 下載

site_prism-table 0.2.0

Table scraping for SitePrism

630,755 下載

metadata_presenter 3.4.0

Service Metadata Presenter for the MoJ Forms product

309,962 下載

bddfire 3.0.2

A Wholesale framework for web, mobile, api, load, accessibility testing. Get you going ...

302,761 下載

cuculungwa 0.0.87

Cucumber based framework for purpose of automated tests

204,952 下載

cornucopia 0.2.0

A collection of tools I created to simplify and make it easier to see what is happening.

103,085 下載

quke 0.10.0

Quke tries to simplify the process of writing and running acceptance tests by setting u...

35,024 下載

acceptance_testing 0.2.2

Acceptance testing

25,349 下載

site_prism-tableish 0.1.0

Table scraping for SitePrism

23,970 下載

site_prism_plus 0.7.1

Adds more robust methods and collects test metrics. .

23,793 下載

testrail-rspec 0.2.0

Sync Rspec test results with your testrail suite. Discover an example with Capybara in ...

22,698 下載

quintocumber 3.0.0

Cucumber with some additional support: Capybara,Browsertack, Allure reports, Rspec and ...

18,535 下載

tedium 0.0.5

Removes the tedium of form filling with SitePrism by allowing you to specify a set ...

17,777 下載

site_prism.vcr 0.3.0

This gem integrates VCR library into SitePrism

15,374 下載

solidus_billing_address 0.0.7

Modifies Spree::Address to allow customer to enter VAT Number, codice fiscale (personal...

12,441 下載

ule_page 0.2.0

Based on the siteprism gem, add more page methods and looking for page model via curren...

12,063 下載

prismatic 0.1.1

Thanks to a naming convention, Prismatic recognises the DOM elements in your web pages ...

11,485 下載

site_prism_test_element 0.1.2

Use `data-test-el` attribute to reference DOM elements in your page objects

7,277 下載

munchsrb 1.0.0

Munch's Burger Scraper Gem.

2,589 下載

et_gds_design_system 5.0.3

Description of EtGdsDesignSystem.

1,905 下載

prism_checker 1.0.0

prism_checker is an extension for rspec and minitest, built on top of the site_prism ge...

1,065 下載

總下載次數 19,013,230

這個版本 107,070



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
