Dependencias inversas para slim-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren slim-rails
bootstrap-sass 3.4.1
bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your ...
67.060.238 Descargas
megatron 0.3.17
Megatron is a design framework for Rails.
421.796 Descargas
To be used for sharing standard assets between the multiple modules of a platform
386.479 Descargas
dorsale 4.0.0
Run your own business.
310.788 Descargas
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
307.549 Descargas
fleetio_spark 1.3.8
Description of your gem (usually longer).
229.565 Descargas
manage 1.4.3
Rails backend
177.205 Descargas
zadok 0.10.8
A data management gem.
176.076 Descargas
graph_starter 0.16.2
A Rails engine to get a UI for a Neo4j up and running quickly
151.301 Descargas
faalis 2.2.1
Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...
141.734 Descargas
h2ocube_rails_assets 0.7.3
Just an assets collection
132.199 Descargas
tungsten 0.2.21
The Tungsten Design System powers the front-end for Compose applications.
132.117 Descargas
facebook_app 0.0.34
Includes authentication, tracking, and lots of convenience methods
103.667 Descargas
ratchet_design 0.1.40
Add this gem to your Rails app to implement the Ratchet Design style guide.
75.949 Descargas
record_collection 0.10.4
This gem helps you to work on subsets or rails models
73.857 Descargas
op_cart 0.6.0
Opinionated cart engine for Ruby on Rails
71.553 Descargas
easy_reports 0.0.27
Rails engine for interactive charts for rails apps.
66.240 Descargas
activeadmin_tinymce 0.2.4
This is a wysiwyg html editor for the Active Admin interface using TinyMCE. Editor supp...
64.169 Descargas
refinerycms-llama_widgets 0.4.0
Ruby on Rails Widgets extension for Refinery CMS
62.948 Descargas
gakubuchi 1.4.0
Gakubuchi provides a simple way to manage static pages with Asset Pipeline.
62.920 Descargas
catarse_paypal_express 3.0.2
PaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
59.585 Descargas
staple 0.4.5
a modular ui framework for rails built on top of foundation and sass.
55.660 Descargas
tabler-rubygem 0.1.4
Integrates Tabler Dashboard UI Kit (built on Bootstrap 4) into Rails Asset Pipeline
54.482 Descargas
dbhero 1.1.12
Based on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset
52.603 Descargas
ad2games-ui_components 2.4.2
UI components for ad2games projects
52.497 Descargas
errdo 0.12.14
A simple plugin to handle, log, and customize production errors
50.326 Descargas
pg_rails 7.6.35
Rails goodies.
46.213 Descargas
rails_workflow 0.7.3
Rails engine allowing to configure and manage business processes in rails including...
45.459 Descargas
blog-gem 0.1.20
Blog Tool for the Shubbl Homepage
43.316 Descargas
kuroko2 0.8.0
Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.
42.048 Descargas