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sqlanywhere-ffi 1.0.0

SQL Anywhere Ruby Driver ------------------------ This is a native SQL Anywhere driver for Ruby. This library wraps the functionality provided by the SQL Anywhere DBCAPI library. This driver is intended to be a base-level library to be used by interface libraries such as Ruby-DBI and ActiveRecord. This driver can be used with SQL Anywhere 10 and later versions. This driver is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. The official code repository is located on GitHub. The repository can be cloned with: git clone git:// ==Running Unit Tests== 1. Change to the the <tt>test</tt> directory cd test 2. Create a testing database: dbinit test 3. Start the testing database: dbeng12 test.db 4. Create the test schema: dbisql -c "eng=test;uid=dba;pwd=sql" test.sql 5. Run the unit tests: ruby sqlanywhere_test.rb <b>If the tests fail to run, make sure you have set up the SQL Anywhere environment variables correctly.</b> For more information, review the online documentation here []. Sample ------ This script makes a connection, prints <tt>Successful Ruby Connection</tt> to the SQL Anywhere console, then disconnects. # load the SQLAnywhere gem begin require 'rubygems' gem 'sqlanywhere' unless defined? SQLAnywhere require 'sqlanywhere' end end # create an interface api = # initialize the interface (loads the DLL/SO) SQLAnywhere::API.sqlany_initialize_interface( api ) # initialize our api object api.sqlany_init() # create a connection conn = api.sqlany_new_connection() # establish a connection api.sqlany_connect(conn, "uid=dba;pwd=sql") # execute a query without a result set api.sqlany_execute_immediate(conn, "MESSAGE 'Successful Ruby Connection'") # disconnect from the database api.sqlany_disconnect(conn) # free the connection resources api.sqlany_free_connection(conn) # free resources the api object uses api.sqlany_fini() # close the interface SQLAnywhere::API.sqlany_finalize_interface( api )

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  1. 1.0.3 - January 24, 2013 (12 ko)
  2. 1.0.2 - January 22, 2013 (12,5 ko)
  3. 1.0.1 - January 22, 2013 (12,5 ko)
  4. 1.0.0 - January 21, 2013 (13,5 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (5)

Dépendances de Runtime (1):

ffi >= 1.3.1



  • Chris Couzens

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

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Total de téléchargements 11 860

Pour cette version 2 683



Version de Ruby requise: None
