Dependencias inversas para sqlite3 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sqlite3
solidus_gateway 1.3.0
Additional Payment Gateways for Solidus
1.961.686 Descargas
shopify-money 3.0.2
Manage money in Shopify with a class that wont lose pennies during division!
1.949.047 Descargas
delayed_cron_job 0.9.0
Delayed Cron Job is an extension to Delayed::Job that allows ...
1.937.737 Descargas
devise-pwned_password 0.1.12
Devise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...
1.913.161 Descargas
alias_scope 0.0.1
Creates aliases of ActiveRecord named scopes.
1.901.750 Descargas
rails-perftest 0.0.7
Rails performance tests (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
1.896.782 Descargas
administrate-field-active_storage 1.0.5
Administrate fields for active storage
1.887.968 Descargas
active_elastic_job 3.3.0
Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...
1.882.771 Descargas
omniauth-identity 3.1.1
Traditional username/password based authentication system for OmniAuth
1.879.887 Descargas
unread 0.14.0
This gem creates a scope for unread objects and adds methods to mark objects as read
1.878.557 Descargas
xray-rails 0.3.3
Provides a dev bar and an overlay in-browser to visualize your UI's rendered partials
1.864.320 Descargas
cable_ready 5.0.6
Out-of-Band Server Triggered DOM Operations
1.826.517 Descargas
tire 0.6.2
Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Rub...
1.826.467 Descargas
workflow-activerecord 6.0.1
ActiveRecord/Rails Integration for the Workflow library. Workflow is a finite-state-mac...
1.808.304 Descargas
validates_lengths_from_database 0.8.0
Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...
1.806.014 Descargas
active_storage_base64 3.0.0
Base64 support for ActiveStorage
1.792.180 Descargas
paperclip_database 3.1.0
To have all your data in one place: the database
1.789.331 Descargas
flutie 2.2.0
Flutie is a starting point for personal discovery
1.780.698 Descargas
devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.8.7
Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP
1.779.387 Descargas
knock 2.1.1
Authentication solution for Rails based on JWT
1.768.711 Descargas
gergich 2.2.1
Gergich is a little command-line tool for wiring up linters to Gerrit so you can get ni...
1.721.547 Descargas
paperclip-optimizer 2.0.0
paperclip-optimizer is a Paperclip processor for optimizing and minifying uploaded images.
1.710.288 Descargas
multiverse 0.2.2
Multiple databases for Rails
1.693.299 Descargas
carrierwave_direct 3.0.0
Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3
1.680.528 Descargas
rspec-set 0.1.3
#set(), speed-up your specs
1.655.831 Descargas
logster 2.20.1
UI for viewing logs in Rack
1.653.847 Descargas
google-authenticator-rails 3.4.3
Add the ability to use the Google Authenticator with ActiveRecord.
1.633.086 Descargas
fixture_builder 0.5.2
FixtureBuilder allows testers to use their existing factories, like FactoryGirl, to gen...
1.615.431 Descargas
crypt_keeper 2.3.0
Transparent ActiveRecord encryption
1.611.552 Descargas
X-editable for Rails
1.604.202 Descargas