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standard-rubocop-lts 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 standard-rubocop-lts

service_actor 3.9.2

Service objects for your application logic

477,085 下載

debug_logging 4.0.2

Unobtrusive debug logging for Ruby. NO LITTERING. Automatically log selected methods a...

70,911 下載

rubocop-lts 24.0.2

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby code

66,647 下載

rubocop-ruby2_7 2.0.6

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.7 code

17,641 下載

rubocop-ruby3_1 2.0.6

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.1 code

16,785 下載

rubocop-ruby2_1 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.1 code

12,131 下載

rubocop-ruby3_0 2.0.6

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.0 code

8,375 下載

rubocop-ruby2_6 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.6 code

7,755 下載

rubocop-ruby2_4 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.4 code

7,662 下載

rubocop-ruby2_3 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.3 code

7,485 下載

rubocop-ruby1_9 2.0.6

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.9 code

7,153 下載

rubocop-ruby2_2 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.2 code

7,099 下載

rubocop-ruby2_0 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.0 code

6,712 下載

rubocop-ruby2_5 2.0.5

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.5 code

5,229 下載

rubocop-ruby3_2 2.0.7

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.2 code

2,939 下載

rubocop-ruby1_8 1.0.7

Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.8 code

2,036 下載

總下載次數 9,071

這個版本 1,438



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
