Dependencias inversas para statsd-ruby La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren statsd-ruby
ruby-kafka 1.5.0
A client library for the Kafka distributed commit log.
66.082.784 Descargas
logstash-output-statsd 3.2.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
54.795.788 Descargas
barnes 0.0.9
Report GC usage data to StatsD.
14.015.858 Descargas
god 0.13.7
An easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
5.540.732 Descargas
inst_statsd 3.0.5
Statsd for Instructure
643.744 Descargas
fluent-plugin-statsd 1.0.3
fluentd output plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD monitor
592.392 Descargas
scout_statsd_rack 0.1.7
Rack application monitoring with StatsD: reports key performance metrics for apps serve...
538.642 Descargas
nsa 0.3.0
Listen to your Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd compatible ba...
515.006 Descargas
govuk_app_config 9.14.6
Base configuration for GOV.UK applications
494.633 Descargas
canvas_statsd 2.0.4
Statsd for Canvas
464.577 Descargas
sensu-transport-snssqs 2.0.4
Sensu transport over Amazon SNS & SQS
341.219 Descargas
scout_rails 1.1.3
Monitors a Ruby on Rails application and reports detailed metrics on performance to Sco...
318.679 Descargas
mas-rad_core 0.1.5
Models and logic for the RAD family of products.
299.780 Descargas
rt-watchman 0.10.0
Watches your cloud
268.320 Descargas
harness 2.0.0
Collect high level application performance metrics and forward them for analysis
248.846 Descargas
qless 0.12.0
`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...
207.311 Descargas
fluent-plugin-statsd-output 1.4.2
fluentd output filter plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD
178.602 Descargas
trashed 3.2.8
Each Rack request eats up time, objects, and GC. Report usage to logs and StatsD.
168.409 Descargas
fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-ingest 1.7.0
Fluentd plugin to ingest AWS Cloudwatch logs
141.374 Descargas
wat_catcher 0.10.11
Catch your wats
127.792 Descargas
remnant 1.0.0
Remnant - peering into your ruby apps and discovering statistics you never knew could b...
115.484 Descargas
bits_service_client 4.0.0
Bits Services client for Cloud Foundry
114.614 Descargas
rearview 1.2.3
Timeseries data monitoring framework running as a rails engine
105.458 Descargas
vmpooler 3.6.0
vmpooler provides configurable pools of instantly-available (running) virtual machines
98.047 Descargas
em-statsd 1.0.0
EventMachine Client for Statsd Reporting
95.871 Descargas
hallmonitor 5.2.0
Hallmonitor is a simple event monitoring framework in Ruby
91.200 Descargas
sensu-transport-snssqs-ng 3.0.0
Sensu transport over Amazon SNS & SQS
72.625 Descargas
lumbersexual 0.4.0
This gem generates random-enough syslog entries for the purposes of testing syslog thro...
55.345 Descargas
vitals 0.12.0
Flexible StatsD instrumentation for Rails, Rack, Grape and more
55.235 Descargas
statsd_test_harness 0.2.10
Captures output of various testing frameworks to post to statsd.
45.181 Descargas